By: Julio Gallegos
On Air time Doctor Who has been on for more than 50 years. It is the longest successful running sci-fi show. There are over more than 813 episodes. It began on November 23 rd, 1963
The Doctors There have been 12 Doctors since the show began. Every time the Doctor dies, he regenerates into a different body. He is over 1000 years old. He is the last of his race called the Time Lords
The Doctor’s enemies The Doctor has many enemies. There are a lot that are popular and known in the series. They’re all creepy and…..unique in their own ways. But there are many more…. Dalek’s - They always need to EXTERMINATE anything that’s not a Dalek Cyberme n - They are upgraded humans that have no feelings/e motions The Silence - They are a species that once you look at them…you forget them Weeping Angles - If you look away or blink they get closer…and closer until they touch you and send you back in time so you can die slowly of old age
TARDIS The TARDIS is a…. Time machine, it’s own different dimension, Space ship, and a Blue box that is bigger on the inside… T ime A nd R elativity D imension I n S pace This is the inside of the TARDIS
Sonic Screwdriver The sonic screwdriver can do anything….you name it. It is mainly used to unlock doors. It doesn’t work on wood…
Doctor’s Regeneration The Doctor survives 1000 years by regeneration every time he dies….he’s still alive, but his physical form changes...(His face changes)
Success!! Doctor Who is the most successful, longest running science fiction show ever….over 50 years of the Doctor!!!