Global warming = change of the climate In this picture you can see good and bad activities, Can you find all of them?
Recently the climate -change is taking place at such a rate and extent, to which in the last years was unprecedented. According to the scientists, this process is caused by the emission of harmful gases. We have to do something now for saving our planet in order to avoid living in extreme weather conditions on the planet in the near future.
What is the global warming? This concept is described in climate changes of recent years which causes the heating up of the surface of the earth and the temperature of the seas and oceans. This is caused by the greenhouse effect.
How does it happen? 1. The rays of the sun heat the surface of the Earth. 3. Some gases, which got back in the atmosphere, intensify the greenhouse effect. It makes a trouble because it turns over the balance of the Earth’s atmosphere and the surrounding atmosphere is getting warmer. 2. A certain amount of heat gets back into the atmosphere from the Earth, avoiding our planet from over-heating.
The causes of global warming The main reason is the man itself. Think about it, how usual is that people drive their cars to everywhere. Cars burn gas or oil, so they emit lots of harmful substances into the environment. This goes to greenhouse effect and global warming (climate changes).
The effects of the global warming Extreme climate Scientists claim the Earth's average temperature may rise 5-6 ºC in the next years, however, some places can be extremely cold! Extreme effects caused by global warming floods, blizzards, extremely rainfalls, landslides, hurricanes, tsunamis, and previously fertile areas become desert
The greatest danger is threatening the fauna. Because of the global warming, the thick ice, especially at the South and North Pole, is gradually melting. This area is the natural living place of many Arctic animals. They can sustain themselves only here. Extinction of species Extinction of species
Uninhabitable areas: Not only in the animal kingdom, but the man is seriously threatened. Because of melting of the thick ice cover, the sea level is rising, so that land areas - e.g. Coastal cities and low-lying settlements - can be under water! If global warming continues this extent, areas in the Netherlands may be completely overflowed! The effects of the global warming
The effects of global warming If the oceans and seas are getting warmer, the pH of oceans will change. This fact affects the animals and plants living in them. The corals, snails, mussels, sea urchins and tiny crustaceans are unable to filter calcium, that needs for their shell and body. They drift to the edge of extinction. Those animals, which feed on them: the whales, several species of fish and seals, too! The acidification of the seas:
Some ideas of protection Don’t use car or by bus for travelling, only it is necessary! Walk or ride a bike instead! Do not use running-tap water for brushing your teeth or dishwashing.! Use of the selective collection bins! Avoid using of plastic boxes and plastic bags! Do not buy goods which packaging consists of 3-4 layers, as it increases the amount of garbage into the trash! Plant a tree! The more green plants are in the environment, the more air will be cleaner. The trees recover the harmful carbon dioxide and convert into oxygen which is so important to us! Use energy-saving light bulbs instead of traditional light bulbs!
Click here! You can see a video of the emission of harmful gases and the Climate changes.