 Christ UMC : disciples responding to God’s love through the spiritual discipline of prayer; creating faithful stewards of God’s resources for the transformation.


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Presentation transcript:

 Christ UMC : disciples responding to God’s love through the spiritual discipline of prayer; creating faithful stewards of God’s resources for the transformation of the world.

 Matthew 7: 7 – 8 Asking, everyone who knocks  Acts 10:31 – Cornelius praying God heard your prayer, rewarded  Parable of the talents  Ananius  Widows mite

 1 st Quarter: (Advent)  Leadership team Prayer  Sermon Series – quarterly  2 th Quarter: (Lent)  Congregational commitment to 40 days of prayer  Experiential prayer study on the spiritual discipline of prayer  Prayer team training and implementation of prayer chain.

 Commitment card – personal  Weekly accountability in small groups  Prayer vigil  Integrated prayer into meetings

 An increased willingness of laity to pray.  A demonstrated balanced between inward and outward ministry concerns.  Increased instrumental support of church ministries.