By: Sidnee Norwood HW499 Bachelors Capstone 03/03/2015
When some people think of fungus and the diseases it can cause they think of things like athletes’ foot, ringworm, thrush and yeast infections which are all true, but these are all minor compared to many of the other diseases fungi have been known to cause or mimic. A variety of fungal pulmonary infections can produce radiologic findings that mimic lung cancers. Distinguishing these infectious lesions from lung cancer remains challenging for radiologists and clinicians. In such cases, radiographic findings and clinical manifestations can be highly suggestive of lung cancer, and misdiagnosis can significantly delay the initiation of appropriate treatment. (NIH, 2014) Wall of the intestines affected with Fungus
Fungus covers a wide variety of organisms that reproduce by spores, including the mushrooms, molds, yeasts, and mildews. There was a two-year toxicity and carcinogenicity study of ampicillin trihydrate and penicillin VK in rodents. The study proved that they both caused cancer. (NIH, 1989)
“Probiotics will help you rebalance your gut with beneficial bacteria that will crowd out Candida and they will help kill Candida as well. Probiotic foods as well as supplements are recommended.” (Edwards, 2014)
Live bacteria that are good for your health Help with Digestive system Often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy.
Oil of oregano is a strong anti- fungal and antimicrobial. You can take 2-3 drops under the tongue 2 times a day. It can also be taken by capsule or oregano leaves can be steeped for a medicinal Tea
Vitamins A group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth and nutrition and are required in small quantities in the diet because they cannot be synthesized by the body. Vitamin B, C, and D are well known for killing fungus
Triple “F” System Fighting Fungus with Food A healthy diet will assist in starving any fungal infections in the body Sugar is the main source for fungus; cutting out sugar will assist in starving out fungal infections in the body. Ex: Grapefruit is a source of vitamin C, fiber, pectin, and other nutrients. Some components might have antioxidant effects that might help protect cells from damage or reduce cholesterol. (WebMD, 2015)
Edwards, M (2014) How to kill fungal infections. Retrieved from: Mayo Clinic (2011) Introduction to Clinical Mycology. Retrieved from: National Institute of health (1989) Two-year toxicity and carcinogenicity studies of ampicillin trihydrate and penicillin VK in rodents. Retrieved from: National Institute of health (2014) Fungal diseases mimicking primary lung cancer: radiologic- pathologic correlation. Retrieved from: WebMD (2015) Find a Vitamin or Supplement. Retrieved from: supplements/ingredientmono-946- grapefruit.aspx?activeingredientid=946&activeingredientname=grapefruithttp:// supplements/ingredientmono-946- grapefruit.aspx?activeingredientid=946&activeingredientname=grapefruit