amazing fossils By Brian Davis Kenyatta Jr.
About this power point We have reading about fossil hunters and searching for fossils. These are some of the things we have learned.
fossils Fossils are preserved or saved remains that offer proof of plants or animals from life long ago. There are two types of one type is body fossils and the other is trace fossils.
Paleontologists discovered For example paleontologists once thought Tyrannosaurus Rex was the largest meat eating dinosaur. Then they found a bigger dinosaur than the Tyrannosaurus Rex its called the Giganotosaurus.
Where can you see fossils You can see fossils in museums. You see the Tyrannosaurus-Rex named Sue or see the biggest dinosaur named Seimosaurus. They use a special can of glue to put part they use a machine called animatroics
References Cambal Anne; Searching for Dinosaurs, Scott Foresman Johnson Laura; Paleontology, Scott Foresman