The Digestive System
The Mouth
The Digestive System The Mouth Physical Digestion
The Digestive System The Mouth Physical Digestion Chewing
The Digestive System The Mouth Physical Digestion Chewing Chemical Digestion
The Digestive System The Mouth Physical Digestion Chewing Chemical Digestion Saliva starts starch digestion
The Digestive System
The Digestive System Esophagus Connects mouth to stomach
The Digestive System
The Digestive System Stomach Chemical digestion
The Digestive System Stomach Chemical digestion Enzymes and hydrochloric acid
The Digestive System Stomach Chemical digestion Enzymes and hydrochloric acid begin protein digestion
The Digestive System
The Digestive System Liver Produces bile to emulsify fat
The Digestive System
The Digestive System Pancreas Produces most digestive enzymes
The Digestive System Pancreas Produces most digestive enzymes These enzymes digest carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
The Digestive System
The Digestive System Duodenum First part of small intestine
The Digestive System Duodenum First part of small intestine Receives bile from liver
The Digestive System Duodenum First part of small intestine Receives bile from liver Receives enzymes from pancreas
The Digestive System Duodenum First part of small intestine Receives bile from liver Receives enzymes from pancreas Adds more enzymes
The Digestive System
Small Intestine
The Digestive System Small Intestine Chemical Digestion completed
The Digestive System Small Intestine Chemical Digestion completed Proteins digested into amino acids
The Digestive System Small Intestine Chemical Digestion completed Proteins digested into amino acids Carbohydrates digested into simple sugars
The Digestive System Small Intestine Chemical Digestion completed Proteins digested into amino acids Carbohydrates digested into simple sugars Fats digested into fatty acids and glycerol
The Digestive System Small Intestine Absorption of all nutrients into bloodstream
The Digestive System Small Intestine Absorption of all nutrients into bloodstream amino acids
The Digestive System Small Intestine Absorption of all nutrients into bloodstream amino acids simple sugars
The Digestive System Small Intestine Absorption of all nutrients into bloodstream amino acids simple sugars fatty acids and glycerol
The Digestive System Small Intestine Absorption of all nutrients into bloodstream amino acids simple sugars fatty acids and glycerol vitamins and minerals
The Digestive System
Large Intestine
The Digestive System Large Intestine reabsorbs water back into bloodstream
The Digestive System Large Intestine reabsorbs water back into bloodstream healthful bacteria make some vitamins from waste
The Digestive System
The Digestive System Rectum Temporarily stores wastes before evacuation
The Digestive System
The Digestive System Anus Exit for waste
The Digestive System Anus Exit for waste Kept closed by anal sphincter muscle
Digestion Summary
Enzyme Summary
End of Digestion Summary