Scale & Proportion By: Tom, Fiona, Doug, and Meghan
What is Scale? Scale refers to the size of an object (a whole) in relationship to another object (another whole). In experiencing the scale of an artwork we tend to compare its size to our own bodies.
Characteristics of Scale Definite Size Measurements Comparison
More Scale by Fiona and the Internet
What is Proportion? P roportion in art is the relative size and scale of the various elements in a work of art. It describes the relationship between objects or parts of a whole. The most universal standard of measurement is the human body that is our experience of living in our own bodies.
Characteristics of Proportion Size and Scale Ratio Relationship Measurement
More Proportion by Dough and Fiona
A Review of Scale and Proportion Scale and proportion both deal with sizes of objects in art. Scale describes the absolute size of an object, while proportion describes the relative size of objects in relation to other objects.