CHEMICAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Purpose: Shield or isolate individuals from the chemical, physical, and biological hazards that may be encountered during hazardous materials operations Not always apparent when exposure occurs. Many chemicals pose invisible hazards and offer no warning properties. No single combination of protective equipment and clothing is capable of protecting against all hazards.
CHEMICAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Protective clothing should be used in conjunction with other protective methods: Engineering or administrative controls to limit chemical contact (prevention) The use of protective clothing can itself create significant wearer hazards, such as heat stress, physical and psychological stress, in addition to impaired vision, mobility, and communication. In general, the greater the level of chemical protective clothing, the greater the associated risks. For any given situation, equipment and clothing should be selected that provide an adequate level of protection. Overprotection as well as under-protection can be hazardous and should be avoided.
CHEMICAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Protective clothing must be worn whenever the wearer faces potential hazards arising from chemical exposure. Some examples include: Chemical sampling / monitoring Emergency response Fire Overflow / Spill Leakage Rescue Decontamination
CHEMICAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Intergration clothing and equipment Task performance is necessary Ensemble may include: Protective clothing (suit, coveralls, hoods, gloves, boots) Respiratory equipment (SCBA, combination SCBA/SAR, air purifying respirators) Cooling system (ice vest, air circulation, water circulation) Communications device Head protection Eye protection Ear protection Inner garment Outer protection (overgloves, overboots, flashcover).
VAPOUR PROTECTIVE SUIT Pressure-demand, full-face SCBA, inner chemical-resistant gloves, chemical-resistant safety boots, two-way radio communication Highest available level of respiratory, skin, and eye protection from solid, liquid and gaseous chemicals. High level of hazards to respiratory system, skin and eyes. Substances are present with known or suspected skin toxicity or carcinogenity. Operations conducted in confined or poorly ventilated areas. Ensemble items must allow integration without loss of performance.
EXMPLE HIMEX blue: protection against abrasion pink: chemical barrier yellow: makes material strong grey: makes material smooth, easy to clean and gives extra chemical protection
DOFFING SUIT With subject standing, unzip the suit completely. From the rear, place a gloved hand on the back of the subject’s head and invert the hood. From the front, roll the suit down over the shoulders. (turning it entirely inside out) Pull arms out Once the knees are clear the subject may sit down. Complete rolling suit down over the boots. pull the boots off using the inverted suit. Subject removes the mask
LIQUID SPLASH PROTECTIVE SUIT Provides same level of respiratory protection but less skin protection. Liquid splash protection, but no protection against vapours or gases Chemicals do not require a high level of skin protection. Primary hazards are associated with liquid contact, not with vapour Intergration without loss of performance must be possible
SUPPORT FUNCTION PROTECTIVE GARNMENT Same level of skin protection, but lower level of respiratory protection. Protection against liquids, not against vapours or gases Hazards have been completely identified Chemical concentrations must be under TLV and O2 content above 19.5%
GLOVES Chemical resistant gloves Material Generally suitable for Butyl rubber Aldehydes, Carboxylic acids, Glycols and ethers, Hydroxyl compounds and alcohols, Peroxides Natural rubber Acetone, Acohols, Alkalies and Caustics, Ammonium fluoride, Dimethyl sulphoxide, Phenol, Plating solutions Neoprene Alcohols, Alkalies and caustics, Cellosolve Degreasing solvents, Mineral acids, Oils Plating solutions Nitrile rubber Alcohols, Ammonium fluoride, Freons, Hexane Hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acid Perchloric acid, Perchloroethylene Phosphoric acid, Potassium and Sodium Hydroxide, Water soluble materials, dilute acids and bases Vinyl General prevention of contamination Medical examination, Nuisance materials
LIMITATIONS Performance protection Test facilities real conditions longest breakthrough not always most practical choise Test facilities real conditions mechanical stresses high temperature chemical mixtures ... Re-use of protective equipment Decontamination procedures