Teenage Drug Use How much do you think you know?
What percentage of high school students have tried marijuana? A. 17% B. 27% C. 47% D. 57% 2010 National Study by the CDC
What ingredient in “Lazy Cakes” are teenagers ingesting for a high? A.Salvia B.Melatonin C.Jimson Weed D.Marijuana
What percentage of motor vehicle fatalities of individuals 15 to 20 years of age are related to driving under the influence of alcohol A. 13% B. 20% C. 27% D. 31% NHTSA Center for Statistics and Analysis, 2008
How many alcohol and/or drug related juvenile cases were filed in Hamilton County in 2010? A. 86 B. 156 C. 223 D. 398 Hamilton County Prosecutor’s office, 2010 Statistics
Which of the below can your teenager use to get high? A. Axe body spray B. Robitussin cough syrup C. Friends prescription medications D. All of the above
What is your kid trying to hide?
The only way you can stop it, is to know about it Join the Hamilton County Fatal Alcohol Crash Team on November 3 rd at 7:00 at the HSE auditorium for an eye opening discussion about how to spot and solve teenage drug use.