K. SAHIN, Zaden B.V. in headlines: Breeder and producer of distinct ornamental products for boththe Consumer as well as the professional market Founded by the late Kees Sahin and his wife Elisabeth Sahin has been acquired in 2007 by Takii, Japan Outstanding source for first class and award-winning varieties Our mission is to develop and introduce innovative and exciting products to the ornamental market
SAHIN Cut Flowers
CALLISTEPHUS chinensis ‘Summer Bouquet’ series 2-3 weeks earlier than Sahin’s Matsumoto White Flowers within 13 weeks from sowing Large flowers with good petal imbrication and small discs
DELPHINIUM consolida ‘Misty Lavender’ A great improvement over our Earl Grey Upright, stronger spikes with large,closely set double blooms More floriferous Suitable for professional cut flower as well as garden use.
ERYNGIUM leavenworthii ‘Purple Sheen’ First annual flowering Eryngium to have been introduced commercially Attractive architectural stems, lighter and softer than other Eryngiums Great filler Colouring to purple/blue in August September To be grown under glass in Northern European conditions Can be grown without irrigation! Successfully grown in hot and humid conditions outdoors but remains short. Tested with good results and high prices for growers at flower auctions in Europe
HELIANTHUS annuus ‘Summer Breeze’ A new early single-stemmed sunflower for the professional market Flowers with golden-yellow, nicely imbricated petals and contrasting green centres Healthy foliage To be compared with Sunrich Lime
SAHIN Pot and Bedding plants
VIOLA x williamsiana ‘Floral Power ® F1’ Series Uniform & early series suitable for fall and spring sales Upright habit, attractive foliage which fills the pot well Very floriferous, continue to flower over a long season. Spring and Autumn, Hardy to zone 6 (-15°C) Available in 11 attractive colours and unique colour combinations
VIOLA xwilliamsiana ‘Floral Power ® Super F1’ Series Early and uniform series Floriferous and long blooming Larger flowers than Floral Power ® More vigorous than Floral Power ® yet compact habit Spring and Autumn Hardy to -15 °C ‘Soft Pink F1’
VIOLA xwilliamsiana ‘Floral Power ® F1’ Series ‘White Purple Wing F1’ ‘Red with Blotch F1’
VIOLA xwilliamsiana ‘Carpet Improved F1’ Series The only trailing/creeping habit in Viola market Earlier and more floriferous selections Carpet Improved is also suitable for Autumn and Spring sales Perform well under warmer conditions Distinct colours, smaller flowers For container and bedding/landscape
SAHIN Bi-Annuals and Perennials
ACHILLEA millefolium Improved Summer Berries ‘Fruit Punch’ Instant Perennial In habit comparable to ‘Summer Pastels’ improved in floriferous Rich Summer Fruit colours Cerise, Red, Crimson, Dark Rose, Bright Orange, deep Corals with a dash of Pastels Hardy: US Zone 4!
AGASTACHE pallidiflora ssp neomexicana ‘Rose Mint’ Instant Perennial freely branched with rose flower spikes attractive, fresh minty scent attracts wildlife long flowering season from March to frost suitable for containers and garden use.
ALCEA rosea ‘Spring Celebrities’ series Several matching separate colours now commercially available: Carmine-Rose, Lemon, Purple and white More matching colours to follow in 2010 Some colours are resistant to rust.
ALCEA rosea ‘Spring Celebrities’ series The following matching colours to follow in 2010 Appleblossom, Apricot, Icy Blue and Crimson
MERTENSIA Instant Perennial Hosta-like glaucous Leaves of an attractive bluish colour Prefer loamy, well drained soils Good for pot sales Interesting blue-pink flower Hardy Zone 5-6
SALVIA taraxacifolia Instant perennial Numerous flowering stems arising from a basal rosette Leaves nicely scented, silvery green with a shiny sheen Attractive soft pink flowers Flowering weeks from sowing Compact: 9cm (1 pl) - 15 cm (3 pl) Long flowering period from spring to frost
SAHIN ‘Natural Look’ Grasses, Sedges and Rushes
‘NATURAL LOOK’ Grasses, Hedges, Sedges ‘NATURAL LOOK’ Great accent colours and plant forms!!! Low production costs: energy/ maintenance Unlimited Beauty/Shelf Life For dry to wet areas Broad use: Garden, landscape (cities, golf courses, parks etc.), Indoors
CAREX flagellifera ‘Auburn’ Exciting copper-bronze colour Requires multi sowing Can be sown year-round Different: More robust and vigorous than ‘Bronco’ and ‘Red Rooster’ Upright habit when young slightly arching when older Enhanced seed available germinates within 3 weeks. Hardy: US Zone 6
Pennisetum sp ‘Beauty of Marakesh’ A great new grass for landscaping up to 60 cm (2 ft)tall, elegant perennial