What’s New in ArcGIS 10.0 Theresa Valentine US FS PNW Corvallis FSL
Reference Material: What’s new in ArcGIS 10: – whats_new_in_arcgis_10.pdf whats_new_in_arcgis_10.pdf Desktop help: – ndex.html#//00qp p htm ndex.html#//00qp p htm This Powerpoint: t:\commons\tvalentine (what’s new in there also)
ArcMap Options: under customize Raster: raster layer options: re-sampling, stretch type (min-max), set cache, clear cache, data interoperability: write log files; tables: set preferences; Metadata: set the metadata style to FGDC, General: many options
ArcMap: New design Toolbars under: Customize Many things went away… but can be added back in: customize, customize mode – Set selectable layers: I added that to the toolbar Geoprocessing tab: added back, you can add your favorites to it: the results window is under this tab now…
Geodatabases New format: need to upgrade: use the Upgrade geodatabase geprocessing tool or a python script. – Six new topology rules are available. Polygon: contains one point Line: must not intersect with, must not intersect or touch interior with, must be inside Point: must be coincident with, must be disjoint. – You can create a current version or previous.. Create layers based on SQL queries: read only, you can save out as a layer file or layer package. New geometric network wizard (pg 34)
Editing Editor toolbar re-designed Two ways to start: clicking the editor menu on the editor toolbar or right click a layer in the table of contents. Feature templates: must create one to edit. New pop-up mini toolbars (get in the way) New snapping environment You can go back to the “classic” editor the-edit-and-snapping-environments-in-arcgis-10-to-the-classic-9-x-format.aspx the-edit-and-snapping-environments-in-arcgis-10-to-the-classic-9-x-format.aspx Attachments: add files to individual features and can be images, pdfs, text documents, or any other type of file. Similar to hyper-links but allow you to associate multiple files to a feature, can view from the identify window, the attributes window (when editing), in the attribute table window, and thru html pop-ups. Geodatabase must be in version 10. Absolute XY dialog box: different units: htm
Editing Creating/splitting polygons: construct polygons and split polygons: trace, modify features, etc… – Intersect command removed from editor, but available in customize dialog box – Mirror features has been converted into a tool available in customize dialog box – Validate entire topology button removed from topology toolbar, but available in customize dialog box – Options for fillet tool and trace construction available by right-clicking the map, or the O key – Explode multipart features: – Feature construction toolbar (tab/shift tab) – Reshape feature tools/trace tool/select-edit vertices
Raster Data All raster formats at 10.0 use the GDAL library. All new pyramids are saved as OVR files (exception of ERDAS IMAGINE format) New raster data model: mosaic datasets. (personal, file, ARCSDE): functions New geoprocessing tools (pg 7 in book) Custom color schemes Image Analysis Window: Under windows tab Advanced labeling with the stretch renderer: (labeling tab on symbology tab)
More Raster New Icons – File-based data are yellow – Geodatabase data are gray – Data on the server are blue. Accelerated rasters: (do this via the image analysis window)..right click on raster layer.
Tables and Attributes Table window displays all open attribute tables. (tabs along the bottom): can undock the tables to view more than one at a time. Field calculator has been enhanced to work with Python scripting. New command in table options menu to restore the field order in a table to its original ordering. There is an edit mode icon on the bottom
Tables continued Layer Properties – Fields: options: (reset order) Also from the table pull down menu: Attachments: needs to be a geodatabase – need to upgrade to 10.0 geodatabase – In catalog, right click to enable attachments…caused me to crash arcgis 10 Attachment manager (click on a row)
Metadata New metadata editor dialog box New geoprocessing tools Can now validate on a metadata standard’s xml schema. Now called “item description” Can view metadata from arcmap
ArcMap Customize pull down menu replaces tools menu Geocoding/adding xy data, and linear referencing events are in the File pull down menu in a new pull down right click menu called Add Data (I removed this because it made my machine run slower) Graphs and reports are now in the view pull-down menu My places has been moved to the data frame tools toolbar Added back geoprocessing menu: can add your own favorites: select from customize, customize mode, tools and drag to toolbar. Dockable windows: I find them hard to dock…pg 77 Table of contents now has buttons along the top instead of tabs on the bottom. Can list by visibility You can specify the default geodatabase you want your map to use New search window: be careful about indexing… Catalog window:
Symbols and Styles Search for symbols (excellent tool, but still lacking in actual search terms) You can group symbols, you can resize the symbol selector window to see more symbols at once. More info on page 89 Customize on style manager under customize tab
Map Display and navigation Map Templates: (pg 84) Basemap layers have been added. (right click under data frame) Quickpan mode – Hardware acceleration: smoother refresh on pan and zoom operations for basemap layers – You can enable quickpan mode with the q key or by holding down the middle mouse button. – Fewer redraws..
Page layouts and data frames Data driven pages: map books and multiple page products Dynamic text (insert menu) Clip to shape allows you to exclude individual layers. Geoprocessing has been extended so you can manipulate maps, layouts, and layers through Python scripting. – Interact with map documents in batch.
Temporal data: Time tab on properties Works in desktop and server Time sliders to view data
Reporting Crystal reports Wizard is no longer included Report wizard under the view menu Exported to more formats, including PDF, HTM, RTF, TIFF, XLS, and TXT. Report designer
Selection tools/Graphs 4 new selection tools: select by polygon, lasso, circle, and line. Graphs available in ArcGlobe and ArcScene Three new types of graphs: bubble, bar min and max, and polar graph. New geoprocessing tools: (make graph, save graph)
Geoprocessing and analysis Tools execute in background, letting you continue working while the tool executes.. Arctoolbox replaced by search window, the catalog window, and the results window (not so sure about this)… You can add tools to any menu or toolbar. Search and catalog window: want you to use this to find things… (wish it worked better) Password protections for model and script tools.
Python and ArcPy Python version 2.6 Python window replaces the command line window (page 15) The ArcPy site package is installed with ArcGIS
Tools: Seven model-only tools added: work only in modelbuilder: calculate value, collect values, get field value, merge branch, parse path, select data, and stop More than 50 core geoprocessing toos have been added You can import your *.py file into the tool Improved tools: – Clip/identify: support point on point and line on line – Buffer/clip/erase: support line features with vertical line segments. – Spatial join: process much larger datasets and most operations will complete in shorter amount of time. – More on pg. 115
Model Builder: Toolbar and menu have been updated Undo and redo are supported Model elements now have tooltips Iterators replace the series option in Model Properties. Twelve iterators have been added: Pg 16 Default spacing between elements has changed from 30 to 15. The functionality to export a model to JavaScript and VBScript has been removed
Spatial Analyst New python map algebra provides a rich and integrated way for performing map algebra. Expressions can be entered into the new raster calculator tool or directly into the python window Spatial analyst engine now has native read/write capability (not copying everything to arc grids?): using arcobjects without converting to grids. Focal statistics tool has a new algorithm to improve performance. Image classification toolbar New tools: starts pg 157: – Extract multi values to points (can use more than one raster) – Multivariate analysis tool: Iso Cluster unsupervised classificatio – Overlay: fuzzy membership and fuzzy overlay – Zonal: zonal histogram, zonal statistics as table update
Geostatistical Analyst See pg new geoprocessing tools: 4 new functionality, and 7 were previously only available through the geostatistical wizard or geostat toolbar. Quick tour available
ArcServer Manage Services in ArcCatalog Data Extraction tools Feature Service: allows editing through API’s MSD services support Maplex and new layer types. Time aware layers Expose feature attachments Pg 129