Freshmen Research Paper What is wrong with the 21 st Century?
Introduction Broad opening statement concerning the topic- No questions Describe the issues surrounding the topics you will discuss to setup the discussion for the reader (2-4 sentences) *Must make an allusion to Walle, Fahrenheit 451 or another film from the Popcorn Points list in the introduction Thesis statement- Is there a problem with the 21 st century; what is it and why is it a problem?
Example Science fiction has long been concerned with the future of our human race. The dawn of the 21 st century has arrived and brought many issues that concerned our science fiction prophets with it; robots, drones, a simplified human race and general concern for the future of humans. The popular Pixar movie Walle (2005) suggests that humans will simply become fatty blobs that cannot even stand up, let alone solve problems for themselves in the not too distant future. This future view of humans is certainly bleak and a good look at the current data surrounding these issues helps to shed some light on the real problems of the 21 st century. The issues in education, warfare, and manufacturing all surround a major shift in thinking and this shift must be realized by the masses, or the destruction foretold by science fiction writers, may well occur.
Closing Conclusion Finish your paper with a revisit to your thesis without directly restating it. Consider using some rhetorical devices here to finish with emphasis. Consider revisiting the allusion you discussed in the introduction. Do not switch to a casual tone or address your reader directly. “As you can see…”
MLA format MLA heading *just like the bibliography Times New Roman, 12 font size Double Space Centered Title- do not call it Freshmen Research Paper Works Cited page See example