WATER POLLUTION Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies. This form of environmental degradation occurs when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds.
CAUSES OF WATER POLLUTION Sewage and waste water Marine dumping Oil pollution Global warming Atmospheric desposition Underground storage leakeges Radioactive waste
CAUSES OF WATER POLLUTANTS Chemical water pollutants are generally atoms or molecules, which have been discharged into natural water bodies, usually by human activities.
WATER RESOURCES Water resources are sources of water that are useful or potentially useful. Uses of water include agricultural, industrial,household, recreational and environmental activities. The majority of human uses require fresh water.
THE PONTINE PLAIN, A LIVING SYSTEM The Pontine Plain is a big organism and we, as human beings, take part in it by using its resources, starting from water. Although the agricultural landscape, crossed by the network of drainage canals, still characterizes this territory, an irrational urban development and the gradual industrialization of agriculture have caused a widespread loss of biodiversity and natural ecosystems as a whole.
HOW DO YOU USE WATER ? To drink, wash, clean the house, flush the toilet, wash the dog and the car .... Try to measure it and also understand how much drinking water you use not only for drinking.
MIND THE DROP A dripping tap causes a waste, in fact 90 drops in a minute waste 4,000 litres of water in a year. A correct upkeep of this problem can save water.
FLUSHING THE TOILET… Did you know that each time you flush the toilet you waste 10 litres of water?
THE SHOWER IS BETTER THAN THE BATH If you have a bath you need 150 litres of water. With a shower you use only 1/3 of it!
DON’T LOOK AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR! Don’t keep the tap open when you brush your teeth. Open it only when you need it!
RUNNING WATER When you do the washing up or you wash your hair, it’s not necessary to use running water; you can keep it in a basin.
FULL LOAD DOMESTIC APPLIANCES When you have finished your meal or when you need to wash your clothes, remember to use the dishwasher or the washing machine full loaded. We advise you to buy an energy saving appliance.
EVEN FLOWERS DRINK … If you need to water flower beds or plants you should use rain water or water coming from a well. You can use the same water to wash your car.
LET’S GIVE THE ENVIRONMENT A HAND !!! You should use detergents only if really necessary because they get pollution worse and worse and they increase water consumption.
SAVE WATER To save water we should use less water we can, closing taps and we shouldn’t throw waste in the sea.