DNA Evidence Matt Hoag Chris Hilchey Chris Cirullo
What is the second step? The second step is to crunch the numbers by applying the principles of population genetics to prove a match mathematically. This is important because there are only about 3 million base pairs that are different (around.1%), from person to person.
What is non-coding DNA? Non-Coding DNA Consists of 95% of the genetic makeup. It use to be called “Junk DNA”, because it does not code for protein. Now it is found that it has important functions as: Regulating gene expression during development Aiding or Impeding cellular machinery from reading nearby genes and making protein
Why are VNTR DNA profiles from both parents important? Because you inherit two different number of repeats in each VNTR region (one from your mom the other from your dad).
Why do DNA profiles create discrete bands? DNA profiles create discrete bands because the larger the fragments of DNA move faster than the smaller fragments do, leaving spaces in between the two.
What are DNA ladders? DNA Ladders are solutions of DNA molecules that formed during electrophoresis. Ladders are there to positively match a sample to a suspects DNA
What can DNA profiles be used for? DNA profiles can be used to free people from prison you have been wrongfully jailed. They can be used in Paternity test to see who a babies father is. They can ID an unknown person. They can also be used to study inherited diseases