Trusted and preferred by professionals since 1946 we are known for our commitment to quality, performance and consistency. Industries Served Manufacturing / Fabrication Hospitals & Health Care Facilities Fireproofing Residential/Commercial Retail / Commercial Facilities Food & Beverage Processing Maintenance Oil & Gas Water & Wastewater Facilities Services Offered Project Inspection Coating Recommendation Failure Analysis Free Technical Service Job Site Training Specification Writing Danny Janulek – Idaho, Nevada & Northern California (650) 622-6509 Steve Sexton – Northern & Central California (925) 984-5036 Greg Sutton – Texas, Oklahoma & Arkansas (918) 625-2538
Contego Passive Fire Barrier (PFB)
Types of Fire Barriers 1. (SFRM) Spray Applied Fire Resistive Material 2. (PFB) Passive Fire Barriers 3. (PFP) Passive Fire Protection (UL1709)
Spray Applied Fire Resistive Material (SFRM) Monokote® is a gypsum based cementitious spray-applied fire resistive material for structural steel framed buildings The term cementitious as defined by ASTM or Underwriters Laboratories Inc. applies to all fireproofing that is wet mixed and then pumped as a slurry. Cementitious does not refer to portland cement content.
(PFB) Passive Fire Barriers Intumescent – Thin Film There are two basic categories of Architectural Fireproofing, Residential and Commercial applications. These products usually consist of a thin-film latex or solvent based material.
(PFP) Passive Fire Protection Industrial Applications There are two basic types of industrial fireproofing—cementitious and epoxy intumescent. These products are usually designed to meet UL1709 Cementitious fireproofing is a cement-based material that provides fire protection through its inherent insulative properties. Epoxy intumescent fireproofing has the appearance and application characteristics of a protective coating.
Contego is designed to protect a wide range of building: Materials including structural steel, aluminum, dimensional lumber, manufactured wood products, trusses, drywall, spray polyurethane foam insulation, HDPE wall panels, concrete, plaster, solid core doors and more. The product may also be used for conduit, decking and cladding.
Why use Contego Intumescent Fireproofing Systems allow designers to express the steel structure as an art form in buildings where fire resistance ratings are required. Project planners now have flexibility to create unique exposed steel designs where fire resistance ratings are required, with aesthetically pleasing, durable and cost effective alternatives.
Features and Benefits Decorative Thin Film Coating 1, 2 and 3 Hour Fire Ratings 0 V.O.C. /Non-Toxic Excellent Durability High Impact Strength Provides A Clean Dust Free Environment Easy Paint-Like Application Suitable For Top coating with any KM Paint Marketable to our Painting Contractors Direct Manufacturer Support
Tested to 9 Standards Tested to 9 ASTM International Standards: ASTM D 1475 - Standard Test Method For Density of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products. ASTM D 2369 - Standard Test Method For Volatile Content of Coatings. ASTM D 3359 - Standard Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test (Methods A and B) ASTM D 3960 - Standard Practice for Determining Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Paints and Related Coatings. ASTM D 4017 - "Standard Test Method for Water in Paints and Paint Materials by Karl Fischer Method. ASTM E 84 - Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials. ASTM E 119 - Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. ASTM E 283 - Standard Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen. ASTM E 662 - Standard Guide for Measurement of Gases Present or Generated During Fires.
FIREFILM III VS CONTEGO TOTAL Firefilm 722 gallons ONE HOUR PROTECTION 1 HOUR RATINGS W Shapes - Wide Flange Beams and Columns Total DFT Coverage Required Minimum Linear Ft. Square Ft. Mils (Sq. Ft./Gal.) Gallons Coats Section* W/D** ft.2/ft W12x22 0.560 3.28 384.00 1259.52 64 15.00 83.97 3 W12x16 0.410 3.25 1178.00 3828.50 88 10.91 350.95 4 Sub Tot 434.91 L Shapes - Angles L6x6x1/2 0.824 1.98 510.00 1009.80 22 43.64 23.14 1 L5x3x1/4 0.418 1.32 92.00 121.44 43 22.33 5.44 2 L4x4x3/8 0.615 61.00 80.52 29 33.10 2.43 L4x4x1/4 0.416 66.00 87.12 3.90 L3x3x3/8 0.608 0.98 142.00 139.59 30 32.00 4.36 L3x3x1/4 0.414 526.00 517.06 44 21.82 23.70 497.89
Albi-Clad TF VS. CONTEGO Sample thickness required for 2 Hour application. Beam Type Albi-Clad Contego W10x49 310 mils 77 mils HSS 8x8x.500 334 mils 42 mils Winner!!
AD Firefilm III VS. CONTEGO Sample thickness required for 2 Hour application: Beam Type FIREFILM CONTEGO W10x49 Not possible (Design X641) 77 mils HSS 8x8x.500 186 mils (Design X642) 42 mils Winner! A/D Firefilm® III Call Robert 208-371-7757 Great Western Painting Commercial & Industrial Painting. Serving the U. S. A. Water Towers -Tanks - Hotels Chemical plants - High Rises - Structural Steel 1 - 877-749-5554 Thank You