Deontae’ Waller Ecology
Cool temperate bamboo forests Located in Sichuan, Yunnan, and Xizang provinces in China
Length of their head and body averages to 22 to 25 in. Their tail’s length averages to about 15 to 19 in. Its diet is not usual for a mammal. Mostly eats bamboo When warm it eats insects and fruits Only live in temperate forest Have on average two cubs a Litter They become sexually mature at 18 months.
Red Pandas are solitary animals. They have short relationships during breeding Their Prey are larger animals like jungle cats. Like dogs they use urine to mark their territory.
“Deforestation” -The act of tearing down enormous amounts of trees
Many clinics, facilities, and zoos that are reliably continuing to maintain self-sustaining populations.
Stop the destruction of forests We could save several other animals!
Currently unknown Only know its less than 10,000
1. How does the Red Panda mark its territory? 2. On average how many cubs does the red panda have a litter? 3. Is the red panda a solitary animal? 4. Where could you find a Red Panda? 5. How have they became endangered?
Finback Whale Logperch Sea turtle
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