Flower Parts Diagram
Flower Parts Diagram petals anther filament sepal ovule (egg) ovary style stigma stamen pistil
Angiosperm Reproduction Pollination Process of the pollen (sperm) getting from one flower to another (carried by a pollinator) Fertilization Sperm coming into contact with the ovule (egg) Germination When a dormant seed falls under the conditions needed for it to sprout into a new plant.
To help the plant reproduce (by attracting pollinators) Flower Anatomy FLOWERS 30. Why do some plants have flowers? What is their main function? 31. In a flower, modified leaves called _______________ protect the bud. 32. The broad, flat, thin leaf-like parts of a flower, called _______________, attract insects and other animals. 33. A male flower’s reproductive structure is a(n) _____________ and the female structure is a(n) _____________. 34. If the egg is fertilized, the ______________ develops into a fruit, and the _____________ develops into a seed. To help the plant reproduce (by attracting pollinators) sepals petals stamen pistil ovary ovule
Flower Anatomy 1 2 3 4 5 PETALS attract insects and other animals PISTIL female reproductive part receive pollen contain ovules STAMEN male reproductive part produce pollen 2 3 OVULES egg cells within the ovary 4 SEPALS modified leaves that protect the bud NECTAR Most flowers use some of their sugars to produce nectar, which they use to lure in pollinators. Insects move from flower to flower eating nectar while unwittingly transferring pollen at the same time. 5
Anthers Stargazer lily
Stamen Male reproductive part; includes both an anther and a filament Anther Structure that produces and holds pollen Filament Thin stalk that holds up the anther
Pistil Female reproductive part; includes stigma and style, and ovary. Tip of the pistil; pollen sticks to it. Stigma Style Tube connecting stigma to ovary. Ovary Contains ovules (unfertilized eggs); eventually grows into the fruit.
Sepals modified leaves that protect the developing bud
Some have both and can self-pollinate. Male/Female Some have both and can self-pollinate. Some plants produce only male flowers. stamen pistil Some plants produce only female flowers.
Leaf Layers Review
Layers of a Leaf A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Cuticle Epidermis Stomata (guard cells) Palisade layer Vein Spongy layer (air space) Xylem Phloem
Photosynthesis Review What is the entire Photosynthesis Equation? CO2 6 6 + H2O light 6 + O2 C6H12O6 chlorophyll
Pollination and Fertilization What does this become? Pollen grain forms on anther Pollen tube forms Sperm fertilized the ovule (egg) to produce a new seed.
fertilized ovule (seed) Flower to Fruit dead petals and sepals ovary fertilized ovule (seed)
Fruit Production
Flower Dissection Part 2: Reproductive Parts