The Prophetic Canon Kings and Prophets In Israel and Judah
BIBLE BASICS History of the Kingdoms: Judah and Israel Kings and Prophets The Deuteronomistic History: “Earlier Prophets” The “Writing Prophets”
Themes in the Deuteronomistic History Joshua §Conquest of the Land §Liturgical Renewal of the Covenant §Relations among the Tribes of Israel §Decision for Yahweh §Leadership in Israel
Asher Naphtali Zebulon Issachar Manasseh Ephraim Gad Dan Benjamin Reuben Judah Simeon
Joshua 6 joshua6.htm
Joshua fit de Battle Joshua fit de battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho Joshua fit de battle of Jericho, And the walls came a tumblin' down You may talk about the man of Gideon, You may talk about the man of Saul, There's none like good ole Joshua, and the battle of Jericho. Up to the walls of Jericho He marched with spear in hand; "Go blow them ram horns," Joshua cried, "for the battle is in my hand."
Judges §Conquest of the Land §Relations among the Tribes of Israel §Relations with other peoples §The Rule of Law §Charismatic Leadership §Hero Tales §Justice Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
I and II Samuel §The Rise of the Kingship §Prophecy §Eli §Samuel and his sons §Saul §David and Jonathan Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
I and II Kings §David’s Kingship §The Davidic Line §Sin and Grace §Prophecy §Solomon’s Wisdom §The Temple Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
I and II Kings §Israel and Judah §Kingship §Relations among the Tribes of Israel §Relations with other nations §War as Scourge of God Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
The Book of Joshua may be divided as follows: §I: Conquest of Canaan (Jos 1:1-12:24) §II: Division of the Land (Jos 13:1-21:45) §III: Return of the Transjordan Tribes and Joshua's Farewell (Jos 22:1-24:33) Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
The Book of Judges is divided as follows: §I: Palestine after the Death of Joshua (Jdg 1:1-3:6) §II: Stories of the Judges (Jdg 3:7-16:31) §III: The Tribes of Dan and Benjamin in the Days of the Judges (Jdg 17:1-21:25) Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
Plan of the Book of Judges -- New Jerusalem Bible § I First Introduction 1:1-2:5 §SUMMARY OF THE SETTLEMENT IN CANAAN § The settlement of Judah, Simeon, § Caleb and the Kenites § The capture of Bethel § The northern tribes § The Angel of Yahweh tells Israel of disasters to come Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
II Second Introduction 2:6-3:6 §GENERAL REFLECTIONS ON THE PERIOD OF THE JUDGES § Religious interpretation of the period of the Judges § Why foreign nations survived in Canaan Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
III History of the Judges 3:7-16:31 §A: OTHNIEL §B: EHUD §C: SHAMGAR §D: DEBORAH AND BARAK §E: GIDEON AND ABIMELECH Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
III History of the Judges 3:7-16:31 JEPHTHAH AND THE `MINOR' JUDGES §F: TOLA §G: JAIR §H: JEPHTHAH §I: IBZAN §J: ELON §K: ABDON Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
L: SAMSON § Samson's birth foretold § The Angel appears a second time § Samson marries § Samson's riddle § Samson burns the Philistines' harvest § The donkey's jawbone § The gates of Gaza § Samson is betrayed by Delilah § Samson's revenge and death Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
IV Appendices §A: THE SANCTUARY OF MICAH AND THE SANCTUARY OF DAN §B: THE CRIME AT GIBEAH AND THE WAR AGAINST BENJAMIN §Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel, and everyone did as he saw fit. Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
First Samuel: Plan of the Book -- New Jerusalem Bible I Samuel 1-7 §A The Childhood of Samuel 1:1-4:1 §B The Ark in Philistine Hands 4:1-7:17 II Samuel and Saul 8-15 § A The Institution of the Monarchy 8-12 § B The Beginning of Saul's Reign 13-15
III Saul and David § A David at Court 16:1-19:7 § B The Flight of David 19:8-21:16 § C David the Outlaw § D David among the Philistines Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
Second Samuel: Plan of the Book -- New Jerusalem Bible I David 2-20 § A David King of Judah 2-4 § B David King of Judah and of Israel 5-8 § C David's Family and the Intrigues over the Succession 9-20 (+1 K 1-2) II Supplements Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
PLAN OF THE BOOKS OF KINGS I The Davidic Succession 1 Kings 1-2 II Solomon in all his Glory 1 Kings 3-11 III The Political and Religious Schism 1 Kings IV The Two Kingdoms until Elijah 1 Kings V The Elijah Cycle 1 Kings 17-2 Kings 1 VI The Elisha Cycle 2 Kings 2-13 VII The two Kingdoms until the Fall of Samaria 2 Kgs VIII The Last Years of the Kingdom of Judah 2 Kings Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
The Principal Texts on the Monarchy §1. I Sam. 7:2ff - implicit that Israel shouldn’t need monarchy §2. I Sam. 8 - Theological criticism: rejection of YHWH as king §3. I Sam. 9:1-10:16 - Positive §4. I Sam. 10: less negative §5. I Sam charismatic rule; positive §6. I Sam discourse of Samuel Themes in the Deuteronomistic History
The United Monarchy Kings of the United Kingdom (c BC) King Relationship to Previous KingGod's Judgment Saul nonedid evil Ishbosheth* son(unknown) David nonedid right Solomon (AKA Jedidiah) son did right in youth, evil in old age * The kingdom was divided during Ishbosheth's reign; David was king over the tribe of Judah.
The Divided Kingdom Kings of Judah (c BC) Kings of Israel (c BC) King /Relationship to Previous King /God's Judgment Rehoboam son did evil Jeroboam servant did evil Abijam (AKA Abijah) son did evil Asa son did rightNadab son did evil Baasha none did evil Elah son did evil Zimri captain did evil Omri captain did evil Ahab son did evil Jehoshaphat son did right Ahaziah son did evil Jehoram (AKA Joram) son of Ahab did evil
The Divided Kingdom Kings of Judah (c BC) Kings of Israel (c BC) King /Relationship to Previous King /God's Judgment Jehoram (AKA Joram) son of Ahab did evil Jehoram (AKA Joram) son did evil Ahaziah (AKA Azariah or Jehoahaz) son did evil Athaliah mother did evil Jehu captain mixed Joash (AKA Jehoash) son of Ahaziah did right in youth, evil in old age Jehoahaz son did evil Joash (AKA Jehoash) son did evil Amaziah son did right in youth, evil in old age
The Divided Kingdom Kings of Judah (c BC) Kings of Israel (c BC) King /Relationship to Previous King /God's Judgment Jeroboam II son did evil Uzziah (AKA Azariah) son did right Zachariah son did evil Shallum none did evil (surmised) Menahem none did evil Pekahiah son did evil Pekah captain did evil Jotham son did right Ahaz son did evil Hoshea none did evil Hezekiah son did right Assyrian captivity BC
The Divided Kingdom Kings of Judah (c BC) Continued King /Relationship to Previous King /God's Judgment Manasseh son did evil Amon son did evil Josiah son did right Jehoahaz (AKA Shallum) son did evil Jehoiakim (AKA Eliakim) son of Josiah did evil Jehoiachin (AKA Coniah or Jeconiah) son did evil Zedekiah (AKA Mattaniah) son of Josiah did evil Babylonian captivity BC
The Earlier Prophets Approximate Date (BCE)ProphetBiblical SourceProbable locations 1200JoshuaBook of JoshuaIsrael. 1050Samuel Book of Samuel 850Elijah I Kings 17-21, II Kings NB. Like Enoch (Gen ) Elijah did not die an ordinary death (2Kings2 11 ) This sets a precedent both for the belief in an afterlife and in Elijah's return. 850MicaiahI Kings Israel. 825ElishaII Kings Israel.
The Writing Prophets Approximate Date (BCE)ProphetBiblical SourceProbable locations 750Amos Book of AmosIsrael Hosea Book of HoseaIsrael. §The Assyrians destroy the northern kingdom of Israel in 722/ Isaiah (1) Book of Isaiah (1-39) Jerusalem (Judah) Micah Book of MicahJudah.
The Writing Prophets Approximate Date (BCE)ProphetBiblical SourceProbable locations Zephaniah Book of Zephaniah Judah Jeremiah Book of Jeremiah Judah. After 612Nahum Book of NahumLocation uncertain Habakkuk Book of Habakkuk Judah Ezekiel Book of Ezekiel Babylon §The Babylonians destroy Jerusalem and Exile Judah in 587/586.
The Writing Prophets Approximate Date (BCE)ProphetBiblical SourceProbable locations After 587Obadiah Book of ObadiahJudah. 540Isaiah (2) Book of Isaiah (40-55)Babylon 520Haggai Book of HaggaiJerusalem Zechariah Book of ZechariahJerusalem. 515?Isaiah(3?) Book of Isaiah (56-66)Jerusalem.
The Writing Prophets Approximate Date (BCE)ProphetBiblical SourceProbable locations Before 458MalachiBook of MalachiJerusalem JoelBook of JoelJerusalem. UncertainJonahBook of JonahNineveh