Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 9 Topic: Drugs, and their effects on the NS Essential Question: 1.Read Clinical Application 10.4 and Answer all Clinical Application questions 3.Highlight all answers in each reading 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules 10.3 Drugs and their effects on the NS 1.Read Clinical Application 10.4 and Answer all Clinical Application questions 3.Highlight all answers in each reading
Disclaimer: We will be spending the next week learning about the effects of certain drugs on the nervous system We need to approach this topic in a mature manner –You may share family/news stories about abuse of drugs (please no clear identification) –You MAY NOT share any personal stories at any time
Body Story: The Beast Within Take notes/comments/questions on the brain and neurons’ response to drugs and alcohol Top of pg. 9
4 Clinical Application Cocaine was originally introduced for what purpose? 2.LSD was originally used for what purpose? 3.The effect of a drug depends on what 3 things? 4.What happens with repeated use of an addictive substance? Clinical Application What do opiates do to the body? 2.What are endorphins? 3.Why does the human body make their own opiates? 4.Why do people have withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking a drug? On. Pg. 8:
Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 11 Topic: 10.3 Drug Addiction Essential Question: 1.How does your drug effect the nervous system? 2.Draw a rough draft of your “Teenagers Against Drugs” Poster 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules 10.3 Drug Addiction
6 Drug Addiction Occurs because of the complex interaction of neurons, drugs, and individual behaviors Understanding how neurotransmitters fit receptors can help explain the actions of certain drugs Drugs have different mechanisms of action Several questions remain about the biological effects of addiction, such as why some individuals become addicted and others do not
Teenagers Against Drugs Campaign Posters 7 Alcohol Ecstasy Heroin LSD Cocaine Today you will gather information about your drug and identify its effects on the nervous system. Please create a poster designed to encourage teenagers to AVOID the drug. Bath Salts Inhalants Rohypnol Phencyclidine (PCP) *on Pg 10
8 “Excessive Drinking is Dangerous”
10 Get out your finished “Teens Against Drugs” Posters Write your name and period # on the back of the poster Find the lab table that matches your drug and put your poster at that table In groups of three-four, rotate around the room and fill out your worksheets Add at least 1 new piece of information from your neighbors for each drug Focus on: Effects the drugs have on the nervous system
Drugs Inc. (NatGeo) 11 Major Focus: Ecstasy/Cocaine’s effect on the nervous system Facts/Statistics about the drugs Consequences of taking the drug Watch the people on the drug How do they act? How do they look? How do they feel? (their descriptions ) Pg. 11
Intervention: Holley 12 Look for the effects of alcohol and cocaine on Holley How has it affected her: Pregnancies/Parenting? Health? Relationships and relationship choices? Family life? Daily life? Finances? Be prepared to discuss with your table the effects of the drugs and alcohol on Holley’s personality and life choices, as well as the format/structure of the intervention itself What did the counselor ask the family to do? What key points were brought up to Holley by her family members? Pg. 12
Drug Essay 13 Objective: This week and next week, you will be researching and writing an essay on a chosen drug You will need to: Identify the drug Its effects on the nervous system Long term effects on the human body Look up a news story involving a crime committed while a person was on your drug Pg. 13