Periph Periph er a a l Nerve Gen Gen e Therapy Innovative solutions for neurological disorders
How NET Drugs Treat Pain Traditional Pain Drugs NET Pain Drugs Dry mouth Muscle aches & weakness GI problems Constipation Blurred vision Dizziness, drowsiness, cognitive changes Swollen hands & feet No systemic side effects Pain signal to brain Daily systemic oral drug Mild Pain Relief Better Pain Relief Injury Monthly skin delivery Drug spreads throughout the body Net drug localized to treated nerves Click for next animation Click to start animation
How NET Drugs Treat Neuropathy Chemotherapy alone With NET CIPN Drug Chemotherapy course Chemotherapy course Full course Increased survival Reduced course Reduced survival Pain, dysethesia, paresthesia Prophylactic skin delivery No damage to nerve fibers Damage to nerve fibers Dose-dependent chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) Peripheral nerves protected