Mrs. Hernandez 8 th Grade Science October 15 th -22nd 2012
Monday: Density OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: Metric system, volume, density, area, mass, weight CONTENT: Inquiry-INQ “I can use metric tools to make metric measurements.” “I can explain: Density, volume, and the difference between mass & weight.” Density Notes Density Lab Write-up Finished? (In S Drive) SILENT WORK: Check out my website…”For students” “Air Force / How to Launch a rocket”
Tuesday: Density Water Density Lab Mythbusters Finished? (In S Drive) SILENT WORK: Check out my website…”For students” “Air Force / How to Launch a rocket” OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: Metric system, volume, density, area, mass, weight CONTENT: Inquiry-INQ “I can use metric tools to make metric measurements.” “I can explain: Density, volume, and the difference between mass & weight.”
Wednesday: Science Survey Density Lab Reflections Finished? (In S Drive) SILENT WORK: Check out my website…”For students” “Scientific Method Web Que SILENT WORK: Check out my website…”For students” “Air Force / How to Launch a rocket” ry” OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: Metric system, volume, density, area, mass, weight CONTENT: Inquiry-INQ “I can use metric tools to make metric measurements.” “I can explain: Density, volume, and the difference between mass & weight.”
Thursday: Volume Labs Finished? (In S Drive) SILENT WORK: Check out my website…”For students” “Air Force / How to Launch a rocket” OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: Metric system, volume, density, area, mass, weight CONTENT: Inquiry-INQ “I can use metric tools to make metric measurements.” “I can explain: Density, volume, and the difference between mass & weight.”
Friday: Digital life 4,5,6 Finished? (In S Drive) SILENT WORK: Check out my website…”For students” “Air Force / How to Launch a rocket” OBJECTIVES: LANGUAGE: Metric system, volume, density, area, mass, weight CONTENT: Inquiry-INQ “I can use metric tools to make metric measurements.” “I can explain: Density, volume, and the difference between mass & weight.”
Next Week Monday: Gizmo prep/ Volume lab finish Tuesday:, Gizmo prep & practice Wednesday: Vocab Review / gallery walk Thursday: Digital Life complete Friday: End of unit test Finished? (In S Drive) SILENT WORK: Check out my website…”For students” “Air Force / How to Launch a rocket”