1 The Divinity of Christ. 2 Objective This research reinforces the Christian faith and at the same time is a reply to existing heresies and other religions.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The Divinity of Christ

2 Objective This research reinforces the Christian faith and at the same time is a reply to existing heresies and other religions

3 The Divinity of Christ Introduction Thirty proofs

4 The Divinity of Christ Introduction This research proves the Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ from within the Holy Bible with respect to: 1. Him being One of the Holy Trinity 2. His Divine attributes being Omnipresent, the Creator, Eternal, the Forgiver of sins, the Examiner of hearts, …… 3. His absolute authority over life and death, nature, angles, Himself,… 4. His miracles which in most cases were performed by His mere order or will

5 The Divinity of Christ Introduction (Cont.) 1.Most important subject in the Christian Doctrine 2.Many heresies rose against it 3.The most dangerous was the Arian heresy 4.Ecumenical Councils 5.The Creed 6.The residues of Arianism continues to spread till today 7.Jehovah Witness 1872

6 The Divinity of Christ Introduction (Cont.) 1.We will search for proofs from the Holy Bible 2.Objection and reply 3.Clear verses pertaining to Jesus' Divinity with respect to Him being: The Logos (Word), His relation with the Holy Spirit, the Father descended from heaven, the only Son, only Son of God, the Lord, Redeemer and Saviour, beyond time, the first and the last, the judge, examiner of hearts and minds, good and holy, forgiver of sin, accepting worship and prayer, giver of life, the belief in Him, His Divine qualities, Creator, His authority over all Creation (nature, angels, life, death, the law, Himself, demons), the Kingdom belongs to Him, the one to whom glory and power belong, and His miracles

7 The Divinity of Christ The First Proof: (Explicit verses on the Divinity of Christ) The Divinity of Christ with respect to Him being One of the Holy Trinity 1.Proof that the Lord Jesus Christ is God, 2.Proof that there is One God, that is, God 3.Conclusion: Christ is This One God, that is, He is God

8 The Divinity of Christ A)Christ is God 1.Rom. 9:5 “ according to the flesh, Christ came, who is over all, the eternally blessed God. Amen.(و منهم المسيح حسب الجسد الكائن على الكل الها مباركا الى الابد امين ) 2. John 20:28 “Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!“(اجاب توما و قال له ربي و الهي ) 3.John 1:1” In the beginning there was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.( في البدء كان الكلمة و الكلمة كان عند الله و كان الكلمة الله ) 4.Matt 1:23” The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel which means, "God with us.“(هوذا العذراء تحبل و تلد ابنا و يدعون اسمه عمانوئيل الذي تفسيره الله معنا ) 5.Isaiah 7:14” Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel. ( و لكن يعطيكم السيد نفسه اية ها العذراء تحبل و تلد ابنا و تدعو اسمه عمانوئيل )

9 The Divinity of Christ 6.Is 9:6” For to us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.(لانه يولد لنا ولد و نعطى ابنا و تكون الرياسة على كتفه و يدعى اسمه عجيبا مشيرا الها قديرا ابا ابديا رئيس السلام ) 7.Heb. 1:7,8 “7In speaking of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, his servants flames of fire. But about the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever, and righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom.(اما عن الابن كرسيك يا الله الى دهر الدهور قضيب استقامة قضيب ملكك ) 8.Ps 45:6 Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever;(كرسيك يا الله الى دهر الدهور قضيب استقامة قضيب ملكك ) 9.1 Tim. 3:16 “ And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the Gentiles, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory. (و بالاجماع عظيم هو سر التقوى الله ظهر في الجسد تبرر في الروح تراءى لملائكة كرز به بين الامم اومن به في العالم رفع في المجد)

10 The Divinity of Christ 10. Col. 2:9 “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,(فانه فيه يحل كل ملء اللاهوت جسديا ) 11. Acts 20:28 “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He bought with his own blood. (احترزوا اذا لانفسكم و لجميع الرعية التي اقامكم الروح القدس فيها اساقفة لترعوا كنيسة الله التي اقتناها بدمه ) B) There is only One God 1.Ex20:3, Deut. 5:7” You shall have no other gods before Me.(لا يكن لك الهة اخرى امامي ) 2.Deut. 6:4 : “ Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one! (اسمع يا اسرائيل الرب الهنا رب واحد )The Lord Himself is God, There is none other besides Him”

11 The Divinity of Christ 3 The doctrine of One God is also clear in the book of ISAIAH: a) Is.43:10,11” I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, Nor shall there be after Me. I, even I, am the LORD, And besides Me there is no savior.(انا هو قبلي لم يصور اله و بعدي لا يكون انا انا الرب و ليس غيري مخلص b)Is 44:6” I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God.(انا الاول و انا الاخر و لا اله غيري ) c)Is 45:5 “I am the LORD, and there is no other; There is no God besides Me.(انا الرب و ليس اخر لا اله سواي ) d)Is. 45 ;21,22 “And there is no other God besides Me, A just God and a Savior; There is none besides Me. For I am God, and there is no other.(اليس انا الرب و لا اله اخر غيري اله بار و مخلص ليس سواي لاني انا الله و ليس اخر e)Is. 46:9 “For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, و لا مخلص غيري لاني انا الله و ليس اخر الاله و ليس مثلي )

12 The Divinity of Christ 4. Hos. 13:4 “Yet I am the LORD your God Ever since the land of Egypt, And you shall know no God but Me; For there is no savior besides Me. (و انا الرب الهك من ارض مصر و الها سواي لست تعرف 5.In the new testament: a)Rom 3:30” since there is one God(لان الله واحد ) b)1 Cor. 8:4” there is no other God but one(و ان ليس اله اخر الا واحدا ) c)James 2:19” You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!(انت تؤمن ان الله واحد حسنا تفعل و الشياطين يؤمنون و يقشعرون ) Note: The word “gods” deos not mean Deity but = pagan, idols Ps 82:6,7” You are gods and all of you are children of the Most High (Power and authority) (انا قلت انكم الهة و بنو العلي كلكم ) C) Conclusion: There is only one God and if Christ is a God then Christ is This One God Isaiah said: “And there is no other God beside Me” also said" Christ is Mighty God” what does this mean other than the two are one

13 The Divinity of Christ The Second Proof With respect to Him being The Logos The Lord Jesus Christ was called 'The Word' in three important places: (A)(John 1: 1): "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.". 1 فِي الْبَدْءِ كَانَ الْكَلِمَةُ، وَالْكَلِمَةُ كَانَ عِنْدَ اللهِ، وَكَانَ الْكَلِمَةُ اللهَ. 2 هذَا كَانَ فِي الْبَدْءِ عِنْدَ اللهِ (B)(1 John 5:7): "For there are three who bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one." See also (Matt. 28:19). 7 فَإِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَشْهَدُونَ فِي السَّمَاءِ هُمْ ثَلاَثَةٌ : الآبُ، وَالْكَلِمَةُ، وَالرُّوحُ الْقُدُسُ. وَهؤُلاَءِ الثَّلاَثَةُ هُمْ وَاحِدٌ.

14 The Divinity of Christ (C) (Rev. 19:13): "He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God." وَهُوَ مُتَسَرْبِلٌ بِثَوْبٍ مَغْمُوسٍ بِدَمٍ، وَيُدْعَى اسْمُهُ « كَلِمَةَ اللهِ ».

15 The Divinity of Christ " The Word" means the Logos or Reason, or Mind, Wisdom and Knowledge Naturally, the Reason of God is inseparable from Him. God and His Reason are One Entity. If Christ is the Reason and the Logos of God, then He is God and He is Eternal, because the Reason and Logos of God existed with God since eternity. Therefore Christ is not created because any created being does not exist before his creation

16 The Divinity of Christ He is Christ "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Col. 2:.3). الْمُذَّخَرِ فِيهِ جَمِيعُ كُنُوزِ الْحِكْمَةِ وَالْعِلْمِ He is the Wisdom in the Trinity, which is why St. Paul the Apostle said that the Lord Jesus Christ is "the Wisdom of God" (1 Cor. 1:24). ، فَبِالْمَسِيحِ قُوَّةِ اللهِ وَحِكْمَةِ اللهِ.

17 The Divinity of Christ That is why when The Word was Incarnate, we saw God in Him, "No one has seen God at any time The Only Begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him " (John 1:18). اَللهُ لَمْ يَرَهُ أَحَدٌ قَطُّ. اَلابْنُ الْوَحِيدُ الَّذِي هُوَ فِي حِضْنِ الآبِ هُوَ خَبَّرَ. (Col. 1: 15): "He is the image of the invisible God", الَّذِي هُوَ صُورَةُ اللهِ غَيْرِ الْمَنْظُورِ، and in (Phil. 2:5-7): "Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal to God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men. 6 الَّذِي إِذْ كَانَ فِي صُورَةِ اللهِ، لَمْ يَحْسِبْ خُلْسَةً أَنْ يَكُونَ مُعَادِلاً ِللهِ. 7 لكِنَّهُ أَخْلَى نَفْسَهُ، آخِذًا صُورَةَ عَبْدٍ، صَائِرًا فِي شِبْهِ النَّاسِ. 8 وَإِذْ وُجِدَ فِي الْهَيْئَةِ كَإِنْسَانٍ

18 The Divinity of Christ (Heb. 1:2-4). "...through whom also He made the worlds,. who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels“ ، الَّذِي بِهِ أَيْضًا عَمِلَ الْعَالَمِينَ، 3 الَّذِي، وَهُوَ بَهَاءُ مَجْدِهِ، وَرَسْمُ جَوْهَرِهِ، وَحَامِلٌ كُلَّ الأَشْيَاءِ بِكَلِمَةِ قُدْرَتِهِ، بَعْدَ مَا صَنَعَ بِنَفْسِهِ تَطْهِيرًا لِخَطَايَانَا، جَلَسَ فِي يَمِينِ الْعَظَمَةِ فِي الأَعَالِي، 4 صَائِرًا أَعْظَمَ مِنَ الْمَلاَئِكَةِ بِمِقْدَارِ مَا وَرِثَ اسْمًا أَفْضَلَ مِنْهُمْ. (John 14:9) "He who has seen Me has seen the Father“ اَلَّذِي رَآنِي فَقَدْ رَأَى الآبَ

19 The Divinity of Christ The Third Proof With respect of Him being The Creator God is the Creator "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1: 1) 1 فِي الْبَدْءِ خَلَقَ اللهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ (Is. 45:7)"I am the Lord, who makes all things, who stretches out heavens all alone, who spreads abroad the earth by Myself" 7 أَنَا الرَّبُّ وَلَيْسَ آخَرُ. أَنَا الرَّبُّ صَانِعُ كُلِّ هذِهِ مُصَوِّرُ النُّورِ وَخَالِقُ الظُّلْمَةِ، صَانِعُ السَّلاَمِ وَخَالِقُ الشَّرِّ. أَنَا الرَّبُّ صَانِعُ كُلِّ هذِهِ. (Is. 44:24), and: "I, the Lord, do all these things أَنَا الرَّبُّ صَانِعٌ كُلَّ شَيْء

20 The Divinity of Christ Christ the Lord as the Creator (John 1:3): St John the Evangelist says about the Lord Jesus Christ: "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made." 3 كُلُّ شَيْءٍ بِهِ كَانَ، وَبِغَيْرِهِ لَمْ يَكُنْ شَيْءٌ مِمَّا كَانَ (John 1: 10). "He was in the world and the world was made through Him“ 10 كَانَ فِي الْعَالَمِ، وَكُوِّنَ الْعَالَمُ بِهِ (Heb. 1:2) "He made the worlds." الَّذِي بِهِ أَيْضًا عَمِلَ الْعَالَمِينَ

21 The Divinity of Christ (Col. 1: 16) "For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him." 16 فَإِنَّهُ فِيهِ خُلِقَ الْكُلُّ : مَا في السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا عَلَى الأَرْضِ، مَا يُرَى وَمَا لاَ يُرَى، سَوَاءٌ كَانَ عُرُوشًا أَمْ سِيَادَاتٍ أَمْ رِيَاسَاتٍ أَمْ سَلاَطِينَ. الْكُلُّ بِهِ وَلَهُ قَدْ خُلِقَ. (1 Cor.8:6) "... yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live. 6 لكِنْ لَنَا إِلهٌ وَاحِدٌ : الآبُ الَّذِي مِنْهُ جَمِيعُ الأَشْيَاءِ، وَنَحْنُ لَهُ. وَرَبٌّ وَاحِدٌ : يَسُوعُ الْمَسِيحُ، الَّذِي بِهِ جَمِيعُ الأَشْيَاءِ، وَنَحْنُ بِهِ.

22 The Divinity of Christ Miracles performed by the Lord Jesus Christ which prove that He is the Creator The miracle of feeding the five thousand men from five loaves and two fish (Luke 9:10-17). The miracle of feeding the four thousand men from seven loaves and a few little fish (Matt. 15:32-3 8).

23 The Divinity of Christ The miracle of changing water into wine in Cana of Galilee (John 2) The power of this miracle is that it happened by Christ's mere inner will. (John 2:7,8) (Fill the water pots with water') امْلأُوا الأَجْرَانَ مَاءً and ('Draw some out now') اسْتَقُوا الآن

24 The Divinity of Christ Granting sight to the man born blind (John 9). "Since the world began it has been unheard of that anyone opened the eyes of one who was born blind" (John 9:32). 32 مُنْذُ الدَّهْرِ لَمْ يُسْمَعْ أَنَّ أَحَدًا فَتَحَ عَيْنَيْ مَوْلُودٍ أَعْمَى Question: How can Christ be the Creator if creation is attributed to God alone? Answer: The Lord Jesus Christ was creating with the power of His Divinity, being the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, that is,the Reason of God.

25 The Divinity of Christ Who then created all things? Was it the Lord Jesus Christ or God the Father? God the Father created the whole universe by the Son; by His Reason; by His Knowledge; by His Word, that is, by the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. Hence the Apostle says: "... through whom also He made the worlds" (Heb. 1:2), ، الَّذِي بِهِ أَيْضًا عَمِلَ الْعَالَمِينَ that is, by His Reason, by His Wisdom.

26 The Divinity of Christ The fourth proof With respect to Him being The Holy Spirit This proof consists of the following points: (A) God is Spirit (B) God is the One who pours out and sends His Spirit (C) The Lord Jesus Christ pours out, sends and breathes the Spirit of God (D) Conclusion: Christ is God

27 The Divinity of Christ God Is Spirit This is clear from the words of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24), 24 اَللهُ رُوحٌ. وَالَّذِينَ يَسْجُدُونَ لَهُ فَبِالرُّوحِ وَالْحَقِّ يَنْبَغِي أَنْ يَسْجُدُوا and also from the Apostle's words: "Now the Lord is the Spirit" (2 Cor.3:17). 17 وَأَمَّا الرَّبُّ فَهُوَ الرُّوحُ، وَحَيْثُ رُوحُ الرَّبِّ هُنَاكَ حُرِّيَّةٌ.

28 The Divinity of Christ God Is the One Who Pours out His Spirit (Joel 2:27-29)"I am the Lord your God and there is no other... And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams" وَأَنِّي أَنَا الرَّبُّ إِلهُكُمْ وَلَيْسَ غَيْرِي. وَلاَ يَخْزَى شَعْبِي إِلَى الأَبَدِ. 28 « وَيَكُونُ بَعْدَ ذلِكَ أَنِّي أَسْكُبُ رُوحِي عَلَى كُلِّ بَشَرٍ، فَيَتَنَبَّأُ بَنُوكُمْ وَبَنَاتُكُمْ، وَيَحْلَمُ شُيُوخُكُمْ أَحْلاَمًا، وَيَرَى شَبَابُكُمْ رُؤًى

29 The Divinity of Christ God Sends His Spirit to the World (Ps. 104:30 )"You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the earth" 30 تُرْسِلُ رُوحَكَ فَتُخْلَقُ، وَتُجَدِّدُ وَجْهَ الأَرْضِ " (Ez. 36:27) I will put My Spirit within you“ 27 وَأَجْعَلُ رُوحِي فِي دَاخِلِكُمْ،. (Num. 1 1:29) "Oh, that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the LORD would put His Spirit upon them!" 29 فَقَالَ لَهُ مُوسَى : « هَلْ تَغَارُ أَنْتَ لِي؟ يَا لَيْتَ كُلَّ شَعْبِ الرَّبِّ كَانُوا أَنْبِيَاءَ إِذَا جَعَلَ الرَّبُّ رُوحَهُ عَلَيْهِمْ ». " (1 Thes.4: 8). God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit" ، بَلِ اللهَ الَّذِي أَعْطَانَا أَيْضًا رُوحَهُ الْقُدُّوسَ

30 The Divinity of Christ The Lord Jesus Christ Pours out God's Spirit on His Disciples This is obvious from the Book of Acts 2: وَإِذِ ارْتَفَعَ بِيَمِينِ اللهِ، وَأَخَذَ مَوْعِدَ الرُّوحِ الْقُدُسِ مِنَ الآبِ، سَكَبَ هذَا الَّذِي أَنْتُمُ الآنَ تُبْصِرُونَهُ وَتَسْمَعُونَهُ.

31 The Divinity of Christ The Lord Jesus Christ Sends God's Spirit (John 15:26)"But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me“ 26 « وَمَتَى جَاءَ الْمُعَزِّي الَّذِي سَأُرْسِلُهُ أَنَا إِلَيْكُمْ مِنَ الآبِ، رُوحُ الْحَقِّ، الَّذِي مِنْ عِنْدِ الآبِ يَنْبَثِقُ، فَهُوَ يَشْهَدُ لِي (John 16:7)"For if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you“ 7 لكِنِّي أَقُولُ لَكُمُ الْحَقَّ : إِنَّهُ خَيْرٌ لَكُمْ أَنْ أَنْطَلِقَ، لأَنَّهُ إِنْ لَمْ أَنْطَلِقْ لاَ يَأْتِيكُمُ الْمُعَزِّي، وَلكِنْ إِنْ ذَهَبْتُ أُرْسِلُهُ إِلَيْكُمْ.

32 The Divinity of Christ The Lord Jesus Christ Breathes God's Spirit "And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit' " (John 20:22). 22 وَلَمَّا قَالَ هذَا نَفَخَ وَقَالَ لَهُمُ :« اقْبَلُوا الرُّوحَ الْقُدُسَ.

33 The Divinity of Christ Conclusion: Christ Is God ( a ) Who can pour out the Spirit of God, send the Spirit of God and breath the Spirit of God on people, except God Himself? And if the Lord Jesus Christ did these, is He not God, then? (b) God says in the Book of Joel: "I will pour out My Spirit ُ on all flesh." رُوحِي عَلَى كُلِّ بَشَرٍ أَ سْكُبُ St. Peter said "And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh' " (Acts 2:16,17). : وَيَكُونُ فِي الأَيَّامِ الأَخِيرَةِ أَنِّي أَسْكُبُ مِنْ رُوحِي عَلَى كُلِّ بَشَرٍ،

34 The Divinity of Christ Moreover he says in the same chapter that the Lord Jesus, "being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear" (Acts 2:33). Then who is the Lord Jesus Christ who pours out the Spirit of God on people, but God Himself? We cannot imagine, that there is a power other than God who can send the Spirit of God or pour out the Spirit of God.

35 The Divinity of Christ The Fifth Proof With respect to His other relations with the Holy Spirit (A) The Holy Spirit Takes of What Is Christ's (John 16:14)"He will glorify Me for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you“ 14 ذَاكَ يُمَجِّدُنِي، لأَنَّهُ يَأْخُذُ مِمَّا لِي وَيُخْبِرُكُمْ (John 16:15) "All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you" كُلُّ مَا لِلآبِ هُوَ لِي. لِهذَا قُلْتُ إِنَّهُ يَأْخُذُ مِمَّا لِي وَيُخْبِرُكُمْ

36 The Divinity of Christ What is the spiritual interpretation of the Holy Spirit taking of what is Christ's? The Lord Jesus Christ explained this when He said:"All things that the Father has are Mine" (John 16: 15). (B)Christ Was Conceived of the Holy Spirit (Matt. 1: 18)."After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with Child of the Holy Spirit“ : لَمَّا كَانَتْ مَرْيَمُ أُمُّهُ مَخْطُوبَةً لِيُوسُفَ، قَبْلَ أَنْ يَجْتَمِعَا، وُجِدَتْ حُبْلَى مِنَ الرُّوحِ الْقُدُسِ. '

37 The Divinity of Christ (Matt. 1:20 for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit“ لأَنَّ الَّذِي حُبِلَ بِهِ فِيهَا هُوَ مِنَ الرُّوحِ الْقُدُسِ (Luke 1:35). "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God“ « اَلرُّوحُ الْقُدُسُ يَحِلُّ عَلَيْكِ، وَقُوَّةُ الْعَلِيِّ تُظَلِّلُكِ، فَلِذلِكَ أَيْضًا الْقُدُّوسُ الْمَوْلُودُ مِنْكِ يُدْعَى ابْنَ اللهِ

38 The Divinity of Christ Who then is Christ? And what is His Nature? Christ is of the Spirit of God, (1) St. Matthew the Apostle says, "...for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit." That is why the Holy Spirit came upon the Virgin Mary and she was found with Child of the Holy Spirit. Since Christ was born of the Holy Spirit, therefore His birth has two consequences, in accordance with the Gospel of St. Luke the Evangelist: First, that He is Holy and second, that He is the Son of God. Both consequences indicate His Divinity.

39 The Divinity of Christ God is Spirit (John 4:24) and Christ is of the Spirit of God. 24 اَللهُ رُوحٌ. وَالَّذِينَ يَسْجُدُونَ لَهُ فَبِالرُّوحِ وَالْحَقِّ يَنْبَغِي أَنْ يَسْجُدُوا Therefore He is of the very essence of God and has the same Nature with Him. That is why He is called Holy which is one of God's names, as the Virgin called Him in her magnificent: "And holy is His name" (Luke 1:49). 49 لأَنَّ الْقَدِيرَ صَنَعَ بِي عَظَائِمَ، وَاسْمُهُ قُدُّوسٌ

40 The Divinity of Christ The sixth proof With respect to His Descent from Heaven (1)The Lord Jesus Christ says: "I am the bread which came down from heaven" (John 6:41), :« أَنَا هُوَ الْخُبْزُ الَّذِي نَزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ and thus He is the Giver of life, 'for the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world" (John 6:33). 33 لأَنَّ خُبْزَ اللهِ هُوَ النَّازِلُ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ الْوَاهِبُ حَيَاةً لِلْعَالَمِ ».

41 The Divinity of Christ The Lord Jesus Christ repeats: "I have come down from heaven" (John 6:3 8), 38 لأَنِّي قَدْ نَزَلْتُ مِنَ السَّمَاء Also explains His coming down from heaven by saying: "I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father" (John 16:28). 28 خَرَجْتُ مِنْ عِنْدِ الآبِ، وَقَدْ أَتَيْتُ إِلَى الْعَالَمِ، وَأَيْضًا أَتْرُكُ الْعَالَمَ وَأَذْهَبُ إِلَى الآبِ ».

42 The Divinity of Christ (2 He emphasizes the statement of His coming down from the Father by saying to His disciples: "The Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God" (John 16:27). 27 لأَنَّ الآبَ نَفْسَهُ يُحِبُّكُمْ، لأَنَّكُمْ قَدْ أَحْبَبْتُمُونِي، وَآمَنْتُمْ أَنِّي مِنْ عِنْدِ اللهِ خَرَجْتُ. He also repeated this meaning in His discourse with the Jews in the same Gospel, Chapter 8, verse 42. فَقَالَ لَهُمْ يَسُوعُ :« لَوْ كَانَ اللهُ أَبَاكُمْ لَكُنْتُمْ تُحِبُّونَنِي، لأَنِّي خَرَجْتُ مِنْ قِبَلِ اللهِ وَأَتَيْتُ. لأَنِّي لَمْ آتِ مِنْ نَفْسِي، بَلْ ذَاكَ أَرْسَلَنِي

43 The Divinity of Christ (3) Therefore, Christ is not from earth but from heaven. He came forth from the Father. That was His original dwelling, and His appearance in the flesh among people on earth is because He "made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a servant, and coming in the likeness of men" (Phil. 2:7). 7 لكِنَّهُ أَخْلَى نَفْسَهُ، آخِذًا صُورَةَ عَبْدٍ، صَائِرًا فِي شِبْهِ النَّاسِ. 8 وَإِذْ وُجِدَ فِي الْهَيْئَةِ كَإِنْسَانٍ، وَضَعَ نَفْسَهُ وَأَطَاعَ حَتَّى الْمَوْتَ مَوْتَ الصَّلِيبِ. But He had to ascend to the heavens from which He descended. As for this earth, He existed before its creation, or rather it was He who created it. Yet, since eternity He has been in the Father who is His natural or rather His dignified dwelling.

44 The Divinity of Christ (4) The Lord explained His descent from heaven and His ascension into it to Nicodemus when He said: "No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven" (John 3:13). 13 وَلَيْسَ أَحَدٌ صَعِدَ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ إِلاَّ الَّذِي نَزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ، ابْنُ الإِنْسَانِ الَّذِي هُوَ فِي السَّمَاءِ. What is meant here by heaven is the heaven of heavens which nobody has ascended to or descended from except Christ, being the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, "who is in the bosom of the Father" (John 1:18). اَلابْنُ الْوَحِيدُ الَّذِي هُوَ فِي حِضْنِ الآبِ هُوَ خَبَّرَ. The heaven of heavens is where the throne of God is, because in the Sermon on the Mount the Lord said that heaven is God's throne (Matt. 5: 34). 34 وَأَمَّا أَنَا فَأَقُولُ لَكُمْ : لاَ تَحْلِفُوا الْبَتَّةَ، لاَ بِالسَّمَاءِ لأَنَّهَا كُرْسِيُّ اللهِ،

45 The Divinity of Christ The expression 'the Son of Man who is in heaven' means that Christ was in heaven whilst He was on earth. Being on earth and in heaven at the same time is a proof of His Divinity. The event of His ascension into heaven (Acts. 1:9) 9 وَلَمَّا قَالَ هذَا ارْتَفَعَ وَهُمْ يَنْظُرُونَ. وَأَخَذَتْهُ سَحَابَةٌ عَنْ أَعْيُنِهِمْ is the fulfillment of the words He said to His disciples: "Again, I leave the world and go to the Father" (John 16:28). 28 خَرَجْتُ مِنْ عِنْدِ الآبِ، وَقَدْ أَتَيْتُ إِلَى الْعَالَمِ، وَأَيْضًا أَتْرُكُ الْعَالَمَ وَأَذْهَبُ إِلَى الآبِ ».

46 The Divinity of Christ (5) Christ not only dwells in heaven, but has authority there. He received the spirit of St. Stephen the first deacon, who said whilst he was being stoned: "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit" (Acts.7:59). 59 فَكَانُوا يَرْجُمُونَ اسْتِفَانُوسَ وَهُوَ يَدْعُو وَيَقُولُ :« أَيُّهَا الرَّبُّ يَسُوعُ اقْبَلْ رُوحِي » The Lord Jesus Christ granted the Penitent Thief to enter into Paradise which is the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2,4), 2 أَعْرِفُ إِنْسَانًا فِي الْمَسِيحِ قَبْلَ أَرْبَعَ عَشْرَةَ سَنَةً. أَفِي الْجَسَدِ؟ لَسْتُ أَعْلَمُ، أَمْ خَارِجَ الْجَسَدِ؟ لَسْتُ أَعْلَمُ. اللهُ يَعْلَمُ. اخْتُطِفَ هذَا إِلَى السَّمَاءِ الثَّالِثَةِ. 4 أَنَّهُ اخْتُطِفَ إِلَى الْفِرْدَوْسِ when He said to him: "Today you will be with Me in Paradise" (Luke 23:43). الْحَقَّ أَقُولُ لَكَ : إِنَّكَ الْيَوْمَ تَكُونُ مَعِي فِي الْفِرْدَوْسِ

47 The Divinity of Christ Who receives the spirits of the departed and has the authority to let them into Paradise, except God Himself? Christ did that.

48 The Divinity of Christ (6) Christ also gave the Apostles the keys of heaven. He said to St. Peter, representing the Apostles: "And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. 16:19). 19 وَأُعْطِيكَ مَفَاتِيحَ مَلَكُوتِ السَّمَاوَاتِ، فَكُلُّ مَا تَرْبِطُهُ عَلَى الأَرْضِ يَكُونُ مَرْبُوطًا فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ. وَكُلُّ مَا تَحُلُّهُ عَلَى الأَرْضِ يَكُونُ مَحْلُولاً فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ ». And He said to the Apostles: "whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven" (Matt. 18:18). : كُلُّ مَا تَرْبِطُونَهُ عَلَى الأَرْضِ يَكُونُ مَرْبُوطًا فِي السَّمَاءِ، وَكُلُّ مَا تَحُلُّونَهُ عَلَى الأَرْضِ يَكُونُ مَحْلُولاً فِي السَّمَاءِ.

49 The Divinity of Christ Here, we ask a question: Who has the authority to give the keys of the kingdom of heaven to people and give them the authority to bind and loose there except God Himself?

50 The Divinity of Christ (7) Christ is worshipped by the heavenly powers. The Apostle says that "at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth" (Phil. 2:10). 101 لِكَيْ تَجْثُوَ بِاسْمِ يَسُوعَ كُلُّ رُكْبَةٍ مِمَّنْ فِي السَّمَاءِ وَمَنْ عَلَى الأَرْضِ وَمَنْ تَحْتَ الأَرْضِ، 1 وَيَعْتَرِفَ كُلُّ لِسَانٍ أَنَّ يَسُوعَ الْمَسِيحَ هُوَ رَبٌّ لِمَجْدِ اللهِ الآبِ. The worship of the angels to the Lord Jesus Christ is a proof of His Divinity.

51 The Divinity of Christ (8) Christ is higher than the heavens and He is in heaven interceding for us. St. Paul the Apostle says that "He ever lives to make intercession for them. For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens" (Heb. 7:25,26). 25 فَمِنْ ثَمَّ يَقْدِرُ أَنْ يُخَلِّصَ أَيْضًا إِلَى التَّمَامِ الَّذِينَ يَتَقَدَّمُونَ بِهِ إِلَى اللهِ، إِذْ هُوَ حَيٌّ فِي كُلِّ حِينٍ لِيَشْفَعَ فِيهِمْ. 26 لأَنَّهُ كَانَ يَلِيقُ بِنَا رَئِيسُ كَهَنَةٍ مِثْلُ هذَا، قُدُّوسٌ بِلاَ شَرّ وَلاَ دَنَسٍ، قَدِ انْفَصَلَ عَنِ الْخُطَاةِ وَصَارَ أَعْلَى مِنَ السَّمَاوَاتِ

52 The Divinity of Christ The seventh proof With respect to Him being The Lord

53 The Divinity of Christ The eighth proof With respect to Him being The Son of God

54 The Divinity of Christ The ninth proof With respect to Him being The only Son of God

55 The Divinity of Christ The tenth proof With respect to The faith in Him

56 The Divinity of Christ The eleventh proof With respect to Him being The Savior and Redeemer

57 The Divinity of Christ The twelfth proof With respect to His Relation with the Father

58 The Divinity of Christ The thirteenth proof With respect to Him being Beyond the Time

59 The Divinity of Christ The fourteenth proof With respect to Him The first and the Last

60 The Divinity of Christ The fifteenth proof With respect to Him being Omnipresent

61 The Divinity of Christ The sixteenth proof With respect to Him being The Judge

62 The Divinity of Christ The seventeenth proof With respect to Him being The examiner of Hearts and Minds

63 The Divinity of Christ The eighteenth proof With respect to Him being Good and Holy

64 The Divinity of Christ The nineteenth proof With respect to Him being The forgiver of sins

65 The Divinity of Christ The twentieth proof With respect to Him Accepting Worship and Prayer

66 The Divinity of Christ The twenty-first proof With respect to Him being The giver of life

67 The Divinity of Christ The twenty-second proof With respect to His Authority Over Nature

68 The Divinity of Christ The twenty-third proof With respect to His Authority Over Angles

69 The Divinity of Christ The twenty-fourth proof Because the Kingdom Belongs to Him

70 The Divinity of Christ The twenty-fifth proof With respect to His Authority Over Life and Death

71 The Divinity of Christ The twenty- sixth proof With respect to His Authority Over the Law

72 The Divinity of Christ The twenty – seventh proof With respect to His Authority Over Himself

73 The Divinity of Christ The twenty- eighth proof With respect to His Authority Over Demons

74 The Divinity of Christ The twenty-ninth proof With respect to Him being The One to Whom Glory and Power Belong

75 The Divinity of Christ The thirtieth proof With respect to His Miracles