Unit 6 Seeds What is propagation? Is the reproducing of plants –2 Types –Sexual – The use of seeds –Asexual – division of roots; by cuttings of leaves, stems, or roots; or by budding and grafting –Tissue Culture – tip or bud of plant is grown in a agar gel or nutrient material
Sexual –Requires the union of pollen with the egg. Self-Pollination – Same Parent Cross Pollination – Separate Parents Hybrids – is the offspring of two different varieties of one plant. Both plants have certain desirable characteristics.
Basic Parts of Seeds 1. Embryo 2. Food Supply 3. Ovary wall or seed coat Plants are propagated from seed because it is a quick and economical.
Germination Needed for Germination 1. Temperature 2. Moisture 3. Air 4. Light or absence of it Can be found on page 64-65
Germination Process 1. Seed absorbs water –Seed Scarification – removal of hard seed coat, by scratching or soaking prior to germination 2. Seeds proteins activated 3. Radicle (root) emerges
Germination 4. Plumule or embryonic shoot emerges 5. Leaves form and food production begins
Monocot Seeds 1. Seed coat-protection 2. Endosperm- a source of energy 3. Embryo-miniature plant that has. Embryo: –Epicotyl-shoot above cotyledon –Hypocotyl-part of stem below the cotyledon –Radicle- primary root, supports seedling
Dicot Seeds 1. Seed Coat-protection 2. Embryo miniature plant Embryo- –2 cotyledons-seed leaves –Epicotyl-true leaves –Hypocotyl-first stem, pulls seed upward –Radicle-forms roots
Monocot Germination 1. Seed swells 2. Radicle grows down 3. First internode and epicotyl grows upward 4. New leaves form and food production starts 5. New root system develops 6. Temporary root system ceases to function and dies
Dicot Germination 1. Seed swells 2. Radicle grows down 3. Hypocotyl forms arch that breaks soil surface 4. Hypocotyl reaches light and straightens up 5. Cotyledons turn green and make food 6. As new leaves develop, cotyledons dry up and fall off
Identification and selection of seeds 1.ID seeds that can be grown locally 2.Current year tested seeds 3.Purchase germination tested, pure seeds 4.Select hybrid varieties for vigor, uniform 5.Select uniform heavyweight or primed seeds. Direct Seeding – planted directly in a permanent growing location. Indirect Seeding – planted in a separate location from where plants will be grown
Growing Medium a.Soil b.Construction grade sand c.Peat Moss d.Sphagnum Moss e.Perlite f.Vermiculite g.Jiffy Mix