Let’s go back home for a while. Once the land was settled, who had control of the colonists? Right! Britain, but pretty soon they got tired of “Taxation without representation” In the end, they fought a war called the Revolutionary war and America was free to govern itself (Independence Day).
At first we had 13 colonies
Then, there seemed to be differences between the North and the South Use this link to review The Civil War events and facts. Be sure to find out information on the major leaders. r.htm r.htm
On pages 17(for North) and 19(for South) Design a chart or poster about the major leaders during the Civil War. You must correctly identify them as Northern leaders or Southern leaders. Be sure to include important information about who they were and why they were important to the war. You MUST include the leaders below, but you MAY add others. Abraham Lincoln Robert E. Lee Ulysses S. Grant Jefferson Davis Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Our soldiers went back to Europe to help fight WW1 1.Use this link to explore World War I. (search World War I) 2. On page 18, list the location of the war and tell why the U.S.A. got involved in this war. 3. Then explore World War II( Use the same link, but search World War II.) 4. On the same page, explain the reason World War II started. What role did the U.S. play in this war? Remember to use complete sentences for all tasks on this page.
Immigration has also affected our country Use this link to learn about immigration as messages are sent back and forth between Asia and the U.S.A. If the link does not work, go back to the task page on and view the video there.
On Page 19, Write a paragraph describing how you would feel if you were an immigrant to a new country. What country would you choose? What problems might you face? How would your life change?
Add pictures to your photo album