DO NOW Date: 2/17 Q: How do plants respond to their environment? What do you think is inside of a plant’s seed?
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do plants respond to their environment? OBJECTIVES: -Watch Video on Seed Germination -Observe Seedlings, record observations, and create a new variable for the seedlings -Guess the Plant -Read about Seed Germination
Video Seed Germination
Seedling Data Draw the following table in your notebook: PictureObservationsPrediction Monday Tuesday Wed/Thur
Seedlings 1.Draw a pair of sprouted seedlings in the first box in the row titled ‘Monday.’ 2.Record your observations. 3.Predict what will happen if we turn the bag on its side in the second box. I predict the __________________________ if I turn the ziploc bag on its side. 4. Turn the bag on its side for further observation tomorrow.
Guess the Plant! Guess what type of plant grows from the following pictures of their seeds
Guess the Plant! What’s the plant? Peas
Guess the Plant! What’s the plant? Oak Tree
Guess the Plant! What’s the plant? Dandelion
Guess the Plant! What’s the plant? Sunflower
Turn and Talk Why do plants have different seed structures?
Germination Reading Use the ‘Germination’ reading to answer the following questions in complete sentences on page _____: 1.What word is used to describe plants in their inactive state? 2.What do plants need to germinate? 3.What is another word for the root that first emerges from the plant? 4.What is the shoot that contains the stems and leaves called? 5.What are some factors that can cause poor germination?
DO NOW Date: 2/18 Q: How do plants respond to their environment? What conditions are necessary for a seed to sprout?
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do plants respond to their environment? OBJECTIVES: -Make observations of seedlings and record them -Set up phototropism experiment -Watch video on tropisms
Seedlings Data 1.Draw your pair of sprouted seedlings in the first box in the row titled ‘Tuesday.’ 2.Record any observations you make. 3.Predict what will happen over one more night. I predict __________________________
Add to Plants Glossary Geotropism: The growth of a plant in response to gravity. Roots grow toward the force of gravity, and the stem grows away from the force of gravity. Gravity
Phototropism Experiment Draw the following table in your notebook: PictureObservationsPredictions Tuesday Wed/Thur Fri (if time)
Courtyard Expectations No more than a level 2 voice at all times while outside Stay on task When finished with drawings and observations, sit quietly and wait for the others to finish. Do not roam around courtyard
Phototropism Experiment 1.Draw the plant in the first box in the row labeled ‘Tuesday’. 2.Predict what will happen overnight, after you place the plant under the box. I predict __________________________ 3. Record the observations you have made before the plant is placed in the box.
Video Tropisms
Turn-N-Talk Summarize the following tropisms with your partner, identifying the stimulus and response in each: Phototropism Geotropism Hydrotropism
DO NOW Date: 2/19- 2/20 Q: How do plants respond to their environment? What are some ways plants respond to stimuli?
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do plants respond to their environment? OBJECTIVES: -Observe Phototropism and Geotropism experiments -Flowering Plant Dissection & Plant Anatomy Diagram -2 Column Notes: Phototropism/Geotropism -4 square review
Seedings (Geotropism) Data 1.Draw your pair of sprouted seedlings in the first box in the row titled ‘Wed/Thur.’ 2.Record any observations you make. 3.In the prediction box, make a conclusion about whether your last prediction is correct, and explain why or why not.
Phototropism Experiment 1.Draw a pair of sprouted seedlings in the first box in the row titled ‘Wed/Thur.’ 2.Record any observations you make. 3.In the prediction box, make a conclusion about whether your last prediction is correct, and explain why or why not.
Courtyard Expectations No more than a level 2 voice at all times while outside Stay on task When finished with drawings and observations, sit quietly and wait for the others to finish. Do not roam around courtyard
Video Timelapse Geotropism and Phototropism Can you spot examples of each?
Flowering Plant Dissection Tape Flower Anatomy Diagram on page _____ Draw the following table on page _____ Flower PartNumber Found Average Length (cm) Function Sepal Petal Stamen Pistil Ovary Ovule
Flowering Plant Dissection Purpose: To observe plant anatomy and understand how structures play a role in reproduction. 1.Fill out your plant anatomy diagram using the information provided at your lab station. 2.Follow the directions to perform the plant dissection. 3.Fill out your plant anatomy data table as you dissect your plant.
BrainPop: Plants Plant Growth
4 Square Photosynthesis Turgor Pressure Phototropism Geotropism
4 square Choose one activity from your TOP TEN list in the front of your notebook to complete for each square.
DO NOW Date: 2/21 Q: How do plants respond to their environment? How do plants reproduce?
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do plants respond to their environment? OBJECTIVES: -Unit Quiz: Plants -Go over Quiz