Use & Abuse of Other Drugs
Using Drugs Properly Drug: is a nonfood substance taken into the body that can change the structure or function of the body or mind. When drugs are beneficial they are usually called medications or medicines. Medicine: a drug that is used to treat an illness or relieve pain.
Using Drugs Properly Prescription: needs a doctors written order. Over-the-Counter (OTC): do not need a prescription. BOTH HAVE SIDE EFFECTS & SHOULD BE USED WITH CAUTION!!
Using Drugs Properly Read the label/directions! Read the warnings and side effects. Read List of active ingredients. Know the expiration Date
Misusing & Abusing Drugs Medicines can cause harm if misused or abused. Drug Misuse: using a legal drug in an improper way. Takes more than recommended/prescribed dose. Continues after no longer needed. Stops sooner than prescribed Uses someone else’s prescribed medication.
Drug Abuse Using substances that are illegal or that are not intended to be taken into the body. Can also involve legal drugs such as pain killers in an illegal or harmful way.
Marijuana Marijuana: Mood altering drug made from leaves, stems & flowering tops of the help plant. The effects vary depending on users surroundings & feelings at the time. Some feel relaxed & unusually sensitive to sights & sounds. Others feel sad, fearful & suspicious.
Marijuana Short-Term Effects: Long-Term Effects: Inability to think or speak clearly. Inability to concentrate. Loss of short-term memory Lack of coordination & slowed reaction time. Increased HR and appetite. Long-Term Effects: Problems with normal body development (if use begins in adolescence or earlier). Damage to lung tissue & immune cells that fight cancer. Feelings of anxiety & panic. Possible psychological dependence. Infertility
Stimulants Stimulants: type of drugs that speed up the body’s functions. Amphetamines, crack cocaine Speed up HR, breathing rate, and raise BP Give users a false sense of energy & power. Abuse usually leaves the user feeling exhausted. Can affect the body in unpredictable ways, even causing death. Users can become addicted.
Stimulants Amphetamines: Strong stimulant drugs that speed up the nervous system (brain & spinal cord). People abuse these to stay awake & to get a temporary feeling of energy. Abuse has serious side-effects: Uneven heartbeat, Increased aggressiveness, Mental illness, Headaches, stroke, brain seizures, heart attack, physical collapse, death.
Stimulants Cocaine & Crack Cocaine: Enters the bloodstream quickly. As quick as 10 seconds to reach the brain. Gives the user a brief, powerful feeling of well-being. Quickly replaced with anxiety & depression. Can become addicted in a matter of days. Causes loss of appetite, nausea, sleeplessness, seizures, and stroke.
Stimulants Cocaine & Crack Cocaine: Even a first time user can have a heart attack. – Because of increased HR. Damages nasal membranes & lungs. Users have trouble concentrating, become aggressive or deny responsibility for their actions. If they share needles run risk of getting infectious diseases. – Hepatitis, HIV.
Depressants Depressants: drugs that slow down the body’s functions & reactions, including heart & breathing rates. Include: tranquilizers, hypnotics & barbituates. Make users feel relaxed & less anxious. Cause poor coordination & impaired judgment. Experience mood swings or depression. Can become addicted If combined with alcohol can cause coma or death.
Inhalants Inhalants: are substances whose fumes are breathed in to produce mind-altering sensations. Glue, gasoline, spray paint. Cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, mental confusion, loss of motor skills. Even single use can cause permanent brain damage, coma or death.
Narcotics Narcotics: drugs that relieve pain and dull the senses. Most are illegal, heroin Morphine & codeine legal while under doctors care & has prescription. Very carefully controlled because of their effects and users become EASILY addicted.
Hallucinogens Hallucinogens: are drugs that distort moods, thoughts, and senses. LSD (lysergic Acid Diethylamide), PCP (Phencyclidine). Users can experience imaginary images & sounds, or distortions of real objects. Users lose control of actions, behave strangely or violently. Endangering their own lives and those around them.
Rohypnol Rohypnol “roofies”: very powerful sleeping pill. Illegal. Often used with alcohol & other drugs. Often associated with date rape. Victim is given roofies without their knowledge. Passes out and does not remember that sexual contact has occurred.
Why do People Abuse? People see drugs as a way to change their feelings, and even escape from them. Drugs such as heroin, LSD & cocaine may actually alter the way the nervous system works. Causes individuals to lose control over their own lives. Injected drugs spreads deadly infections.
Addiction Addiction: A physical or psychological need for a drug or other substance. Body feels direct need for a drug. Recovery: the process of becoming well again.
Stages of Addiction & Recovery Trying alcohol or drugs. Continuing to use alcohol or drugs. More regular use. Increased tolerance & abuse. Recovery: Admit the problem Remove alcohol or drugs from the body. Overcome psychological dependence. Change habits & lifestyle.
Pain of Withdrawal Ending an alcohol or drug habit is MUCH harder than resisting the use of the substance in the first place. Addict must remove all traces of the substance in the first place. Then the addict must remove all traces of the substance from the body. Painful physical & mental symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms: Severe anxiety Confusion, memory loss or hallucinations. Nausea, vomiting & diarrhea. Headaches and chills.
Knowing When to get Help Use drugs on a regular basis Lying about frequency or amount of use. Thinking that drugs are necessary to have fun. Avoiding people in order to use substances. Giving up activities one used to enjoy. Pressuring others to use substances. Frequent moods of depression & hopelessness. Regularly missing school or work.
Getting Help First try going to people who are close at hand. Parents, teachers, clergy members, counselors. If you don’t know anyone – turn to organizations & agencies that offer counseling & treatment. Phone numbers are listed under, “drug abuse, or “alcoholism Treatment” in the yellow pages.
Risks involved with Alcohol & Drug Use Knowing the risks: Page 314 Physical Consequences: Page 315 Mental/Emotional Consequences: Page 316 Social Consequences: Page 317 Risks with the Law: Page 318 Reasons to Avoid Substance Abuse: Page 320 Saying No: Page 321 What Else Can You Do?: Page 322