PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS The prairie dog’s length is to 12-15 inches. They are bigger than females. The weight is 1-3 lbs. The color is brown and black. They are 12 inches tall.
LIFESPAN The prairie dog lives 3- 5 years (in the wild). The prairie dog can live in captivity for about 8 years.
EATING HABITS/DIET The prairie dog is an omnivore and what it eats for its diet is grasses, sedges, forbs, roots, seeds, and insects.
Population There are 10-20 million in the U.S.A. That is a lot of prairie dogs.
Habitat\Range The prairie dogs live in the Great Plains, southern Canada, and northern Mexico. They live in burrows in prairies.
Adaptations The feet are used to run away from predators. The fur is used to keep it warm. The teeth are for eating its food to stay alive.
Fun Facts There are 5 different species living on the prairie. The prairie dogs don’t hibernate.
Endangered because The prairie dog is about to be endangered because of habitat destruction, poisoning, shootings, exotic diseases, and fragmented habitat.
Reference Defenders of the Wild. 2012.