Exotic Germplasm – A Commercial Perspective GEM Cooperator Meeting Jerry Rice Dec. 7, 2005
Exotic Germplasm = Unadapted Germplasm Exotic Germplasm = Unadapted Germplasm [i.e. South American Germplasm into North America]
Exotic Germplasm / Other Crops: Cotton:G. harknesii cms & Restorer Genes (hybrid cotton) Grain Sorghum:World Collection (PI) Greenbug Biotype Resistance
Importance of Exotic Germplasm in Breeding Disease Tolerance Insect Tolerance Increased Genetic Diversity Increased Yield Enhanced Stability across Environments Specialty Traits
Exotic Germplasm / Challenges: Difficult to evaluate Photoperiod Sensitivity unattractive phenotype Tall plants with high ear placement Standability Issues generally have weak roots High Harvest Moisture generally later maturity Tight husks and slow dry-down Requires more Resources Larger Popn size and more segregates to evaluate Long Term Investment (success in 2 nd to 3 rd Gen.)
Exotic Germplasm Breeding:
Importance of Exotic Germplasm in Breeding Disease Tolerance Insect Tolerance Increased Genetic Diversity Increased Yield Enhanced Stability across Environments Specialty Traits
Previous Experience / Cargill Hybrid Seeds : Brazil * Argentina * Mexico South Africa ** Thailand Italy * Research Liaison ** Tech. Advisor Philippines China France Germany Pakistan
Current DAS / Mycogen Seeds: Argentina Brazil Mexico Philippines
Germplasm Pools / Opportunities: USA Stiff Stalks Non-Stiff Stalks Iodents Other International Programs: Tuxpeno Tuson ETO Cateto Caribbean Suwan
Exotic Germplasm with International Program Shuttle Breeding Opportunities Introgression Breeding Projects Exchange Elite Inbreds All Possibilities (all countries – within & between) Observation Evaluation
Shuttle Breeding -- Example: USAinitiation of Trop (Brz)/Temp SSS Popn Brazilrecycle (3) popn (earliness & dis. tol.) USAadvance, select, & testcross (350 2) multiple testers med. yield / not adv. Brazilmultiple testers med. yield / not adv. Argentinamultiple testers med. yield / not adv. S. Africa multiple testers high yield, GCA, Primary Tester for yellow program
Inbred Exchange / Opportunities: USAObs. elite lines from Brazil Impressive plant health Impressive GLS tolerance ArgentinaObs. elite lines from all countries Complementary gene action / MRCV tol. Impressive MRCV tolerance BrazilObs. elite lines from USA Earliness with sufficient plant health
Introgression Projects: 2005 DataYield%H2O MycoSSS(12.5%Brz)S3/TS-A MycoSSS(12.5%Brz)S3/TS-B Commercial Hybrid Check # Commercial Hybrid Check #
Introgression Projects: 2005 Data: Yield%H2O TS-C/ MycoNSS(25%Brz)S Commercial Hybrid Check #
Introgression Projects: 2005 Data: Yield%H2O TS-C/ MycoNSS(50%Arg)S2A TS-C/ MycoNSS(50%Arg)S2B Commercial Hybrid Check #
Introgression Projects: 2005 Data: Yield%H2O TS-C/ MycoNSS(50%Brz)S1A Best Commercial Check TS-E/ MycoNSS(25%Brz)S1B Best Commercial Check
Importance of Exotic Germplasm in Breeding Disease Tolerance Insect Tolerance Increased Yield (Grain and/or Silage) Enhanced Stability across Environments Specialty Traits Kernel Composition (starch, AA, oil, etc.) Kernel Quality (food corn milling) Others
GEM Mission: Increase Genetic Diversity Introgression of Exotic Germplasm into Temperate Germplasm utilizing: LAMP Accessions (Exotic Sources) Evaluated for Yield and Adaptation Elite Temperate Germplasm Via Germplasm Contributions from GEM Cooperators
GEM Exotic Sources / Available: GEM Cooperator’s have the following types of Exotic Germplasm available from the base GEM Program: Populations (F2’s and BC’s) S1’s S2’s GEM Releases (S4’s+)
Why use GEM Exotic Sources: Solid Germplasm Backgrounds Pre-Evaluated LAMP Accessions Elite Temperate Germplasm (GEM Cooperators) NO “Strings Attached” for GEM Cooperators No Royalties No Breeding Restrictions Incorporation directly into your Breeding Program
Uses of GEM Exotic Sources: Fold Early Gen. (S1’s & S2’s) into your program GEM Popn X Proprietary Lines Popn Proprietary Popn X GEM Releases Popn Proprietary Line X GEM Release Popn Others
GEM Popn / Myco Projects: 2005 Data: Yield%H2O TS-A// GEMBR51403…/Myco TS-B// GEMBR51403…/Myco GEM/Cuba164…/Myco// TS-C Commercial Hybrid Check
GEM Popn / Myco Projects: Improvements: GEMBR51403…/Myco Improved Plant Health Increased K-rows on ear Improved Grain Texture (harder texture) GEMCuba164…/Myco Improved Grain Texture (Tall plant with high ear placement)
University of Wisconsin / J.G. Coors, D.T. Eilert, & P.J. Flannery / 2004 GEM Report: % t/a 2004 Silage DataMeans Dry MatterYield ARZM17026:N X LH X LH Mean of 4 Checks
University of Delaware / J.A. Hawk & T. Weldekidan / 2004 GEM Report: 2004 Data: Yield %H2O Pioneer 31G PioSSS/DK212T:N11a10) PioSSS/DK212T:N11a10) Pioneer 33B Pioneer 34H
USDA-ARS / P. Scott & M. Blanco 2004 GEM Report: AA Index of DKXL212:N11a B-B-B Top Ranked sample in the AA indexing ranking study (Met + Trp + Lys Thr) outperforming the high ranking checks Line has an unusually well balance AA content
Importance of Exotic Germplasm in Breeding Disease Tolerance Insect Tolerance Increased Yield (Grain and/or Silage) Enhanced Stability across Environments Specialty Traits Kernel Composition (starch, AA, oil, etc.) Kernel Quality (food corn milling) Others
Exotic Germplasm – A Commercial Perspective Thank you for your Attention and for your Interest!!