EXOTIC BREEDS FFA Veterinary Technician CDE
Angora Rabbit Characterized by their angora wool Come in a variety of colors like crème, grey, and white Easy to identify from their long soft wool
Ball Python Curl into a ball when frightened Bulky body in comparison to their small head Dark brown or black with lighter markings that are usually circles or circular shapes Can come in different morphs such as pied (pictured below)
Burmese Python Stocky build with a small head relative to body size Usually a tan color with dark brown markings
Californian Rabbit Mostly white with black restricted to the points (nose, ears, legs, and tail) Markings can be grey too
Chinchilla Large round ears and plump body Have really soft fur because they have 60+ hairs per follicle (humans have 1-2) Come in a lot of colors Have a medium sized fluffy tail
Chinese Dwarf Hamster Come in a variety of colors Have a short tail Small round ears Small round face
Columbian Red-Tail Boa Triangular head Skin is tan with marking that start a darker brown but turn red as it gets closer to the tail
Cockatiel Come in a lot of colors Usually have a yellow face with rosy cheeks Have a crest like a cockatoo Small hooked beak
Cockatoo Mostly white bird with a large crest on their head Crest can be a lot of colors but yellow is the most common Usually have a black beak and feet Large hooked beak
Common Snapping Turtle Hooked bill for tearing and biting Short sturdy limbs Webbed feet for swimming Long tail Tough skin that is a light brown to dark brown
Desert Horned Lizard Short spiky body Tiny pointed head Small/ short limbs Covered in spikes for defense
English Lop Rabbit Very long ears (can grow up to 22 inches) Triangular head and lean body
Ferret Short stocky limbs with a very long body Medium sized tail Have many color patterns but most have a black mask with dark limbs
Gerbil Pointy open face with tiny round ears Long hair covered in hair Come in a lot of colors
Green Tree Frog Various shades of green Most have a yellow band from their eyes and down their side Large eyes relative to their body size
Guinea Pig Rodents with rounded face and wavy oval shaped ears Can be hairless, long haired, short haired, and can have wavy, curly, or straight hair Some breeds have hair that goes in all directions
Hedge Hog Small rodent that curls into a ball when scared so their soft belly is protected by their spiky exterior Pointy face that is usually tan while their belly is white
Honduran Milk Snake Usually shades of red Very short round head Have rings of varying shades of red or black
Iguana Bad mama jama…. Usually green with spikes all over its back and down their tails Very long tails for whipping enemies (you will bleed…)
Long Hair Teddy Bear Hamster Long haired rodent with tiny round ears Round face with huge cheeks for storing food Long hair, don’t care!
Lovebird Usually green (sometimes yellow and other similar colors) with a peachy or pink face Small beak for crushing seeds
Mata Turtle with a very pointed body…feet…face…shell.. Funky looking turtle… that is all you need to know…
New Zealand Rabbit ALL white and have no other colors on them Wide bodied
Parakeet Tiny curved beak for eating seeds Various markings and color patterns but are mainly blue, green, and yellow with black stripes/ spots
Prairie Dog Short tail that is black at the tip Short ears that are barely visible Pointed nose Short stubby limbs
Red Ear Slider Green with various yellow markings Red patch where their ears are
Savannah Monitor Tan/ yellow with white spots outlined in black Small pointed head and wide body
Scarlett Macaw Parrot Very large hooked beak Red, yellow, and blue Bottom jaw is usually black
Southern Flying Squirrel Tan with a white belly Often have a black line on sides Flaps on sides to glide from trees
Sugar Glider Grey with black markings and a white belly Extra skin flaps on sides for gliding from perches
Yellow Canary Yellow Small pointy beak for crushing seeds
Time for funny Pictures!!