Literacy a right, not a privilege.
Writing is… THINKING With a Pen.
Why focus on process writing through the Writers Workshop approach?
Why Writers Workshop? Proficient writers engage in the writing process by planning and organizing their thoughts, creating a draft, revising for content and editing for conventions. ~WCPSS K-12 Reading/Writing Literacy Overview
Assumption When you teach writers workshop, you ARE a writer!
Turn and Talk How does a teacher’s view of him/herself as a writer impact the teaching of writing?
Our job as teachers… Is to help students find their stories. ~ Lucy Calkins
Children must see themselves as authors! *
Quick Write How do your students see themselves as authors?
Physical Cultural Social Emotional Cognitive Modeled Shared Independent Collaborative Guided Support & Elaboration Conventions OrganizationFocus Style Classroom Environment Wake County Writing Model
What writing process? Prewriting Drafting Revising Editing Publishing OR Closure
What is Writers Workshop? Instructional structure Sets a predictable time, space that supports a culture of writers Explicit instruction in mini- lessons Time to write Teacher confers
Principles of Writers Workshop Writers need to feel invested in writing CHOICE!
Students Always choose topic (Managed Choice!)
Writers need LOTS of practice Writers write!
Success depends on the clear establishment of Routines Procedures HABIT
Writers Need Readers
Fifth-grade writing conference
Writers need explicit instruction
Writers need an environment conducive for learning. conducive for learning.
Sometimes what we have… Is not an instructional problem but… An inspirational problem. We may need to make a greater effort to convince children that writing is worth doing by creating an environment in which writing and writers are cherished.
Writers need…
Stand Up Meeting How do we foster a community of writers where writers are cherished?
Building a Community… Safety & Risk taking & Direct Instruction & Guided Practice = Independent Writers
“Power Chip”
“Envisioning to Write With Detail”
Insights Turn & Talk What was the teacher doing? What were the students doing?
Recipe for a Lesson Connection Teach Active Engagement Link Mid-Workshop Interruption Share
Connection Links what has been done to what is expected to be learned in the present lesson May serve as a quick review of previous learning
Teach Clearly stated objective: ONE teaching point Explicit instruction Model!
What does “To MODEL” look like?
Teach in ways that move children along a gradient of difficulty. ~ Lucy
Remember… Don’t Over bake!
…or guess who you lose???
Active Engagement
Turn and Talk 1.Sit knee to knee. 2.Partner 1 talks. Partner 2 listens. 3.Partner 2 talks. Partner 1 listens. 4.Speaker speaks loudly and clearly. 5.Listener listens with a calm body.
How do I partner them?
Link (A charge to use what they have learned) Writers, today and everyday, for the rest of your life, you can use ________.
If you’re not sure what to do today and need some help, stay here. I’ll work with you.
What if they don’t know what to write…
Status of the Class
Mid-Workshop “Interruption” Spotlight student writing Draw attention to management issue Clarify your teaching point Provide a tip Reminder: use all your strategies!
Share VERY important piece of the puzzle!
Closing Share
The Flow of Writer’s Workshop Gather on the carpet (2 minutes) Minilesson (5-10 minutes) Writing Time –20-25 minutes for K-2 – minutes for 3-5 Share –3-5 minutes for K-2 –5-10 minutes for 3-5
It remains important not to place mechanics in competition with content in the First Draft. It remains important not to place mechanics in competition with content in the First Drafts.
Writing reflects instruction! C-MAPP (resource/guide) Units of Study offers a repertoire of strategies in the context of ongoing structures and changing units.
The keys to your Success : See yourself as a writer! Learn & hone the craft in community Instruct DAILY Believe your students can write
Teach the writer and the writing will come. ~ Lucy Calkins