I’m Depending on You
TAKS Objective – The student will demonstrate an understanding the effect of water pollution on our environment
Water Pollution Examples of Water Pollution What causes Water Pollution Ways to prevent Water Pollution
Our Society needs a better understanding of how we get clean water for all human needs It isn’t the pollution that’s harming the environment. It’s the impurities in our air and water that are doing it. Dan Quayle
What can you do?
Learn to Conserve Water in Your Home Learn to Conserve Water in Your Home - You can also take a virtual tour that will show you how to save water in nearly every room in your house at the California Urban Water Conservation Council's Web site H2OUSEH2OUSE Maintain Your Septic System
Help Prevent Storm water RunoffHelp Prevent Storm water Runoff - Pollution from storm water runoff is the most common cause of water pollution today. Help Prevent Pollution in Your CommunityHelp Prevent Pollution in Your Community - Learn about a variety of steps you can take.
Question True or False: The major cause of water pollution is factories waste.
Water Pollution
Water Pollution Two major classifications Point Source Non-point Source
Point Sources Single large source Can localize it to one spot –Industrial Plants - Sewage pipes
Point source examples
Non-point Sources Diffuse source or many smaller point sources Automobiles Fertilizer on fields
Non point source examples
Non-point source pollutants - nutrients
Water pollution and sea life
The majority of oxygen is produced by phytoplankton and algae living in the oceans.
Effects of pollution on sea life. How human activities have modified soil, water, and air quality.