Applying Learning Theories in Your Teaching Presented by Susan M. Zvacek, Ph.D. Fulbright Scholar University of Kansas
Historical Perspective Behaviorism Cognitive Processing Constructivism
What is Behaviorism? Focus on … behavior Stimulus-Response and Behavior Modification orientation We ignore what we can’t know (internal processes) No longer popular as a learning theory base
Behaviorist Theories Conditioning/Shaping Connectionism
Practical Applications of Behaviorism Identifying observable (action-oriented) outcomes Providing feedback to students Considering transfer of skills to new environments
What is Cognitive Processing? Focus on how the brain works Includes memory, thinking, perceiving, etc. Two areas of emphasis Memory processes Individual differences
Cognitive Processing Theories Cognitive Load Schema Theory Visual Literacy Elaboration Theory
Practical Applications of Cognitive Processing Theory Presenting content in manageable amounts (chunks) Providing “Advance Organizers” and promoting recall of prior knowledge Designing visuals from simple to complex Presenting information that may cause cognitive dissonance
What is Constructivism? Focus on learner’s active role in his/her own learning Meaning is constructed in the individual (not transmitted from outside) Learner reflection on/organization of content Emphasis on personal relevance to learner
Constructivist Theories Attribution/Motivation Active learning Metacognition
Practical Applications of Constructivism Designing activities to promote engagement Attributing progress to internal factors Using concept maps Offering students choice in assessment methods
Summary What theories might you apply in your teaching? Are some more appropriate for your content, your students, your goals than others?