Mrs. Snyder May 15, 2015
I have chosen this career for a few reasons. Among those reasons are that I always excelled in my English classes in high school. I also LOVE literature, and really enjoy sharing this passion with others. Finally, I feel fortunate that as a teacher, I have the opportunity to fill the role as counselor, advisor, friend, and mom to students, as well.
Required: Bachelor of Arts/Sciences in virtually any major (it helps if your major is English- mine was Liberal Studies) Single Subject Teaching Credential in English 16 weeks of student teaching in a high school English classroom
Many teachers pursue a Masters Degree for various reasons To improve their teaching practice To obtain a position at a competitive school To move up in the salary scale (aka more chedda)
Some teachers may also pursue an Administrative Credential This means they can become a principal of a school, or hold a similar position in a school district To move up in the salary scale (aka more chedda)
Some teachers may even pursue an Educational Doctorate This is the highest degree achievable To move up in the salary scale (aka more chedda)
Teachers are also required to attend professional development seminars and meetings to stay current on teaching strategies and theories.
Starting salary for a first year high school teacher with no experience or Masters Degree is $42,325. The salary will increase with each year of service, and with each unit of education obtained, until you max out on the salary scale.
High School English Teachers do not work a typical 40-hour week. Many teachers arrive to work an hour or more early, and stay an hour or more after the final bell- that’s hours just in the classroom.
Teachers also spend many nights, weekends, and vacations working- lesson planning, grading, parent s and phone calls, writing letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities like coaching sports or advising clubs, etc. On average- 65 HOURS A WEEK
Is teaching stressful? YES. ▪ Why? ▪ Kids. Deadlines. Attitudes. Responsible for educating the future. Pleasing parents. Pleasing principals. Pleasing other teachers. Dirty classroom. No air. Bad wifi. Not one second of silence. Work through your lunch period. Did I mention attitudes? Making sure kids “Get it”. What do you do when they don’t “Get it”? Is that BO that I smell? Why is there part of a weave on my floor? Can y’all be quiet and just take notes?
Working conditions are usually clean and safe (except for the errant kid that barfs in class or the snot rags left behind on desks). Teachers do get sick…A LOT. Good thing we have UH-MAY-ZING health insurance.
Planning, developing, and organizing instruction Housekeeping and Recordkeeping Managing Student Conduct Presenting Subject Material and Facilitating Learning Assessing Student Learning Meeting Professional Obligations
To become and English teacher, you should Be able to understand your subject matter Communicate effectively Emotional/Social/Interactional Abilities
Imparting knowledge and wisdom Making a difference in the lives of kids Every day is new and exciting The job is actually fun
Long days Stressful Often ill Little recognition Rude kids Dirty classroom
Classes you should be taking in high school include: Your 4 years of required English Challenge yourself with Honors, AP, or Intercultural Literature or Myths and Legends Join clubs that peak your interest, like Poetry Club or Journalism
I feel as though I am a perfect fit for this job. I love sharing my knowledge with kids, and the feeling I get when I know my students are learning and having fun at the same time is indescribable.