Holidays around the world, specializing in Italy ! BY: Madeline W.
The flag has three simple colors that represent the colors of the Milan soldiers unifo The Flag and Map of Italy
This a picture of a street in Venice,Italy and by the looks of it, you should come prepared with a canoe and paddles so that you can get around the town. Geography of Italy The geography is very interesting to read about if you love learning about nature.There are sparse plains while there is an abundance of mountains.Some natural disasters that occur most often are, flooding, avalanches, mudslides, and in Venice, there is always the fear that your home will sink in the water.The temperatures in Northern Italy are very cold, but they are still within living conditions.The average temperatures in Middle to Southern Italy are warmer than the Northern parts of Italy, but they are close to the temperature coordinates of North Carolina. The climate in Italy can also vary from where you are in the country.
● The name “Italy” comes from the word “Italia” that mean “calf land”, and it may represent the bull symbol of the Southern Italian tribes. ● The parmesan, ricotta, and mozzarella cheese were invented in Italy, and they are almost positive that the pizza was invented and became popular there. ● There are 2 independent states in Italy, Vatican City, and the Republic of San Marino. 3 Interesting Facts about the History of Italy
There are a ton of different languages that are spoken in Italy, depending on where you are, but here are a few. “Buon Natale” is Merry Christmas in Italian. Language and how to say “Merry Christmas” Northern Italian Languages Tuscan, Central Italian, Neapolitan, Sassarese, Gullarese Southern Italian Languages Venetian, Lombard, Occitan, Friulian
3 Christmas Traditions in Italy The Christmas Day is on December 6th, and the kids put plates out for St. Nicholas to put treats on. If they are as lucky to get a visit from St.Nicholas, then they sing a carol or recite a poem in honor of him. When the kids have been good all year, then they receive fruits, nuts, and sweets from St. Nicholas, but the ones who have been bad all year, get a sweet, but they also get something that represents coal. Bagpipers and flute players come into town to play music for the people to enjoy. They also symbolize the coming of the shepherds that searched for the baby Jesus.
● Fettuccine Alfredo- A dish that combines well with a green salad an Italian garlic bread ● Panettone ( Italian Christmas Bread )- This bread is used at dinners to celebrate the Christmas spirit ● Biscotti- ( Italian twice-baked cookies )- These are nice cookies that are crunchy, and should be served with coffee. ● Struffoli- are cubes of egg pastries that have a coating of honey and colored sprinkles. They are specially made in Naples, Italy. Traditional Holiday Foods in Italy Citings