Islam Test Review
What city do all Muslims want to go once in their lives? Mecca
What is a prophet? A messenger of God
What is a Muslim place of worship called? A mosque
How many pillars of Islam are there? five
What is the most important holiday in Islam? Ramadan
Who are the “people of the book”? Jews and Christians
What belief do Muslims, Christians, and Jews all share? That there is one God
What does monotheism mean? Belief in one God
Who was the prophet of Islam? Muhammad
What are the people who practice Islam called? Muslims
What language was the Qur’an written in? Arabic
What food do Muslims not eat? pork
What beverage do Muslims do not drink? alcohol
How many times do Muslims pray a day? five
What is fasting? Not eating for a period of time
Why do Muslims fast? they want to know what people who go without food feel like
What is the holy book of Islam called? The Qur’an
What do Muslims have faith in? Allah or God, and Muhammad being God’s last prophet
Who do Muslims believe they should share with? The poor and less fortunate
What is the hajj? The pilgrimage to Mecca
What is the name of God to Muslims? Allah
What does “jihad” mean? Holy war
What is never painted in Islam? Allah and the face of Muhammad
What does Islam mean? Submission to God peace
How many people in the world practice Islam today? 1.3 billion and growing
Where was Muhammad born? In Mecca
What was Mecca a leading center of? trade
What is the first Pillar of Islam? Belief in one God
What is the Hajj? The pilgrimage to Mecca
The map below represents the military conquests associated with the spread of what major world religion?
In the 700s A.D., Arabian merchants played an important role in converting large numbers of Western Europeans to Islam.
According to Islam, Muhammad was the prophet through whom God revealed his final message.
How is Islam related to Judaism and Christianity? All three faiths are monotheistic religions.
What does the word “caliph” mean? successor
Who were the caliphs? The leaders of Islam after Muhammad.
They are Muslim contributions to the field of medicine. *First public hospital *Encyclopedia of drugs *Description of diseases *First pharmacy school What do the items in the above list have in common? They are Muslim contributions to the field of medicine.
What covers much of the Arabian Peninsula? desert
What two groups did Islam split into? Sunni and Shi’a
Islam split after Muhammad’s death because he did not name a successor.
What is one factor that helped spread Islam to other parts of the world? Military conquest
What is an oasis? An area of water in the desert
What is a nomad? A person who moves from place to place