Lesson 30 Participles “Verbal Adjectives”
Participle Formation Participles are “verbal adjectives” Adjectives made from verbs. Take verb stem and put adjectival endings on it. Present Active Participle (# 233) Stem + &wn( &ousa( &on) lu,wn( lu,ousa( lu/on (masc., fem., neut.). Decline in third, first, and third declension. Decline like a;rcwn( glw/ssa( o;noma( respectively. Rough translation: loosing (implies action simultaneous with main verb). Present Participle of eivmi, (# 235) Bare endings of pres. act. part. Smooth breathing; accent on first syllable. Rough translation: being.
Participle Formation Present Middle/Passive Participle (# 237) Stem + &omenoj( &omenh( &omenon) luo,menoj( luome,nh( luo,menon (masc., fem., neut.). Declines like adjective ( second, first, and second declension ). Rough translation: loosing oneself/being loosed. Future Participles (# 236, 238) Active: Stem + s ! &wn( &ousa( &on) Middle: Stem + s ! &omenoj( &omenh( &omenon) Future participles are very rare in NT. Implies action subsequent to main verb. Rough translation: going to loose (act.); going to loose (for) oneself (mid.)
Participle Usage Key is presence/absence of article (cf. “adjective position” in # ). 1.Attributive (# 244) Has article (article immediately precedes participle). Modifies a noun (noun is explicit) – functions like an adjective, describing, telling which one. Translate: “the blanking noun;” “the noun which blanks.” h` me,nousa evlpi,j = “the abiding hope;” the hope which abides.” o` a;nqrwpoj o` pisteu,wn = “the man who believes.” 2.Substantive (# 245) Has article (article immediately precedes participle). Stands in place of understood noun (cf. “substantive adjective”). Translate: “the blanking one;” “the one who blanks.” o` pisteu,wn = “the believing one;” “the one who believes.” (Uses of participle without the article will be covered later.)
Examples 1)o` khru,sswn avpostolo,j the preaching apostle; the apostle who is preaching 2)o` avpostolo.j o` khru,sswn the preaching apostle; the apostle who is preaching 3)o` khru,sswn the one who preaches 4)to. ploi/on to. avgorazo,menon $to. avgorazo,menon ploi/on% the boat which is being bought 5)ta. blepo,mena the things which are seen 6)evn th|/ evlpi,di th/| menou,sh| $evn th/| menou,sh| evlpi,di% in the hope which abides
Location of a Participle Tense, voice, “part.,” case, gender, number > dict. form lu,ontej – pres. act. part., nom. masc. pl. > lu,w blepome,nh – pres. pass. part., nom. fem. sing. > ble,pw Homework: 1.Practice declining lu,wn (it is on test). 2.Exercises # 247 A: a.Locate all verbs, participles, and nouns. b.For every participle, determine its position, usage, and what it modifies. c.Translate the sentence.