 Topic/Headline  Interesting Fact  Publication Info  Reaction.


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Presentation transcript:

 Topic/Headline  Interesting Fact  Publication Info  Reaction

 Listen carefully and respond.  Listen for your results.

 At the top of the page, type the words "Title:", "Product:", "Length:", "Medium:" and "Writer:". Place each word on its own line, singe spaced, left-aligned. › Production Notes: List any instructions for the “actor” (i.e. accent, etc.)  Divide the paper into 2 sections › One section will be labeled AUDIO and the other DIALOGUE.  It is best to number each shot › Under each section write the description (with the short hand of the type of shot/audio)  Use the key on page 383 for a reference › Write a description of each shot

1. Mention the product 2. Discuss the benefits 3. Offer enticement 4. Call to action


 At the top of the page, type the words "Title:", "Product:", "Length:", "Medium:" and "Writer:". Place each word on its own line, singe spaced, left-aligned.  Divide the paper into 2 sections › One section will be labeled video and the other audio.  It is best to number each shot › Under each section write the description (with the short hand of the type of shot/audio)  Use the key on page 383 for a reference  Write all video descriptions in caps and audio in sentence case.  Type the name of the character next to the line of audio.  Type SOUND or SFX to describe any sound effects in the audio. Use capital letters for sound effects.  Type MUSIC before describing any music. Use capital letters and underline when writing out music description. › Write a description of each shot  Example: write CU: the new I phone watch  Example :write VO: the new I phone watch now available

 Say it, Explain it, and Repeat it

 dew-kickstart-extended-come-alive