How do Carol Ann Duffy and Shakespeare convey love in their poems ‘Valentine’ and ‘Sonnet 130’?
Structure of essay Aim to make 3-5 key points in your essay. Paragraph 1: Introduction Paragraph 2-3: Similarities between the poems Paragraph 3-4: Differences between the poems Paragraph 5: Conclusion
Criteria: AF2: Use quotations from the poem to back up your answers. Embed the quotations in your own sentences. e.g. Duffy describes the ‘fierce kiss’ of an onion which also relates to the way that love can be both kind and harsh at the same time. AF3: Read between the lines e.g At a first glance ‘Sonnet 130’ seems to be a list of insults to his wife or girlfriend, but by the end of the poem it is clear that it is not at all insulting. AF5: Look closely at language e.g. Duffy’s use of the word ‘platinum’ to describe the rings of the onion works really well as it reminds the reader of the colour of an onion but also the metal that wedding rings might be made of. AF6: Writer’s purpose. What overall message is the writer trying to show? e.g. Both poems are trying to show the reader that love is not all that it seems and that it goes beyond the traditional flowers and hearts that we might associate with love.
Introduction You need to tell the reader what you intend to do in the essay. In this essay you need to explain that you will compare the two poems and that you will discuss the similarities and differences between the poems in the way that they convey love.
Which one is better and why? ‘The poems are similar but also different. The poems are both about love but not about lovey dovey love. Sonnet 130 has some insults in it but in the end he actually loves her. Valentine compares love to an onion.’ ‘The two poems have many similarities. One example of this is that they both begin in a negative way. ‘Sonnet 130’ begins by saying that his girlfriend’s eyes are ‘nothing like the sun’ and ‘Valentine’ starts with the line ‘Not a red rose of a satin heart’. Therefore, as the reader begins to read both of these poems they will immediately recognise that they are not traditional love poems.’
Ways to compare: Look at one poem in detail, then look at the second poem. Look at both poems at the same time but look at different aspects of the poem. e.g. The message of both poems, or how both poems use metaphor. Make sure you have a central thread running through your essay.