Civics Chapter 5 The U.S. Constitution
Background 1775 War of Revolution begins July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence 1777- Articles of Confederation 1787- Philadelphia Convention 1789- New government begins working 1791- Bill of Rights ratified 2013- Constitution holding strong!!!
Terms Separation of powers means that power is divided among the three branches of government Checks & balances allows each branch of government to limit the power of the other two. The president may use the power of veto (to reject) to block a bill passed by Congress from becoming a law. The House of Representatives has the power to impeach (to accuse of a wrongdoing) the president and other officials for bribery, treason, or other high crimes and misdemeanors Congress is a bicameral (two-house) legislature.
Terms Under federalism power is divided between the state and federal governments. Delegated powers are the powers given to Congress by Article I of the U.S. Constitution. Concurrent powers are powers shared by federal and state governments. Reserved powers are the powers given neither to Congress nor denied to the states. The Bill of Rights was the first ten amendments (changes or additions) to the U.S. Constitution.
The U.S. Constitution Preamble- lists the goals of the Constitution Article I- describes the powers of the legislative branch Article II- describes the powers of the executive branch Article III- describes the powers of the judicial branch Article IV- requires states to respect each other’s laws Article V- includes instructions for making amendments to the Constitution Article VI- makes the Constitution the “Supreme Law of the Land” Article VII- establishes the procedure for ratification of the Constitution 39 delegates of the Philadelphia Convention signed the Constitution on September 17, 1787. The new government was born in June of 1788 when New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify the Constitution. The new government began working in 1789.
What was our nation’s first plan of government? …Second? 1st- The Articles of Confederation 2nd- The Constitution
Who is the “Father of the Constitution? James Madison aka “Big Daddy Maddy”
What did the Great Compromise establish? A bicameral (two-house) legislature House of Representatives representation based on population Senate two representatives (Senators) from each state
What did the delegates agree to on the question of the slave trade? the national government could not interfere with it until 1808. -(Historic note- Congress passed a law prohibiting the slave trade in 1808.)
What did the Federalists want? …the Anti-Federalists? Federalists wanted a strong central government. Anti-Federalists wanted a limited central government, they demanded a Bill of Rights.
What was required for the Constitution to go into effect? It had to be approved by at least nine state conventions.
List at least four reasons for revising the Articles of Confederation Congress could not tax Congress had no power to enforce laws Congress could not settle disputes between states There were no national armed forces
What was James Madison’s plan for government? His “Virginia Plan” created a federal republic with a strong central government.
List the goals set forth in the Preamble form a more perfect union establish justice insure domestic tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general welfare secure the blessings of liberty