By: Grayson, Brady, and Aslan
How are Fossils formed? Fossils are formed when animals or plants and bones get stuck with mud or tar. They are also made when soft parts are quickly rotted and bones and teeth remain. As sedimentary continues to settle on top and turn to rock water replaces bones with minerals causing fossils.
What Types of Fossils Have Been Found? Dinosaurs, Wooly Mammoths, Reptiles, and Amphibians are all found in Geologic digs, but, all fossils are made basically the same way, many other types of animal fossils have been found. Some fossils are old and some are newer.
What are the locations and dates of famous fossil discoveries? One location is Hello Creek, Montana in There, the first T. Rex fossils were found. Another location is Utah and Colorado in In Utah and Colorado an Allosaurus Fragilis fossil was found. The third and final location is Red Deer River, Canada in There, supposedly, the first fossils in North America were found.
How do fossils affect people who live on earth? Fossils affect us because if we notice the location we can find what the earth looked like in the past. For instance, where plants and animals were. It also shows us how the earth’s surface looked like. (Jungles, water etc.)
References We Used html Fossils By: Kris Hirschmann