Private Peaceful Private Peaceful: home-learning
Research into World War One. You need to find the answers to all the following questions: What caused World War One? How long did World War One last? Which countries were involved in the war? How did World War One end? How many British soldiers fought in World War One? How many British soldiers were killed in World War One? How many German soldiers were killed in World War One? What were women’s roles in the war? What were trenches and what was it like to be in one? What was artillery? What’s No-Man’s Land? What were the conditions like for the soldiers who were at war? What was life like back home in England during the war?
Research into World War One. You need to find the answers to all the following questions: You can present your information: as an illustrated leaflet about World War One, as a an illustrated wall chart about World War One, as a report on World War One. You can handwrite or type your work. Illustrations can be drawn, stuck on or copied and pasted in from the Internet. ALL the information must be in your own words.
Gathering your information The library has lots of useful books that you can use. These websites might also help: mhttp:// m (remember that you can book a computer in the library at lunchtime or after-school)