Teen Drinking
Facts Alcohol is the psychoactive substance most commonly used by Canadian youth %of youth have used alcohol in their lifetime. More than 1/3 reported doing so at least once a week % say they consumed 5 or more drinks per typical drinking occasion. The average age at which adolescents first started drinking was 15.6 years.
Why do people drink? To fit in with friends, out of curiosity, to relieve stresses of home or school, or to experience the “high”. Substance use problems are most common among people who feel isolated or marginalized. Teens without connections or meaningful relationships in their lives tend to seek comfort in alcohol and other feel good drugs.
Teens & Alcohol The younger a person begins using alcohol, the greater their chances of developing an alcohol or drug problem later in life. Scientist are researching the effects of alcohol on the developing teen’s brain.
Binge Drinking Defined as 5 or more drinks in one setting. Drinking games such as flip cup, beer pong and chugging can lead to binge drinking.
How Alcohol Affects You Heart Brain Pancreas Physical and Emotional Development Cancer
Alcohol Poisoning Caused by large amount of Alcohol in short period of time. Body had been poisoned by large quantity of alcohol. Vomiting is usually this first sign. Pump stomach to prevent more alcohol for entering blood steam.
Drunk Decisions Adolescents have a higher rate of harm than the general population from their drinking. 1 in 10 young people reported having sex while drinking and later regretting it. Intoxication is a factor in the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as a result of unsafe sexual practices. Over drinking can also lead to unplanned pregnancies.
Drinking & Driving Approximately 40% of Canadian teens killed in motor vehicle accidents every year have alcohol in their system. Every year, more than 1,000 New Brunswickers are convicted of impaired driving.
Story Time
Alcohol Advertisement Advertisements suggest that alcohol is a gateway to social and sexual success and has mood altering and therapeutic properties.
Questions Do you think changing the legal drinking age for drinking in NB from 19 to 21 will have a positive impact on drinking issues or just a delayed impact? Do you think if parents were more open to conversation about drinking with their teens it could prevent teens from making bad choices while under the influence of alcohol?