Warm-Up What does the word germination mean? Look at the picture, it will help!
Germination : start to grow from a seed or spore into a new individual plant Conditions are right for seeds and spores to start to grow and develop into a plant
AGENDA: 1.Test on Food Chains and Food Webs 2.Review worksheet from last class (ecosystems and biomes) 3.Stations around the room 4.Lima Bean Lab
Clear off your desk Eliminate answer choices, make your best educated guess if you are unsure…. Check over all your answers and make sure you answered every question! YOU MAY NOT WRITE ON THE TEST TAKE OUT A SHEET OF PAPER AND NUMBER FROM Minutes for Test – when you finish put your test put everything inside your folder Raise your hand and you may begin the rotation around the room (stations)
Station 1 “Process of Seed Germination”
Station 1: Process of Seed Germination (copy all information) Seeds are protected by a hard shell or seed coat. This shell is VERY tough! Sometimes seeds need to be eaten by animals to get ride of the hard seed coat. This helps the seed coat soften and lets germination happen For others, simply soaking the seed in warm water will soften the seed coat enough.
Station 2 Draw this picture Seed Germination…
Station 3 Questions: ( leave space to write answers ) What seeds need to grow? What does “dormancy” mean?
Station 3: Answers Seeds need the RIGHT conditions to grow... They need water They need sunlight Then need the right temperature
Station 3: Dormancy means… Dormancy means inactivity. For example, when you are sleeping, you are not being active. Some seeds require a period of DORMANCY before they germinate (grow).
Station 4 Questions: ( leave space to write answers ) Why are seeds dormant? How do seeds wake up?
Station 4: Why are seeds dormant? Seeds become dormant when conditions are not good. Typically seeds that are dormant are VERY dry and it takes them longer to swell with the water. Seeds can be dormant for YEARS!!!!
Station 4: What conditions wake up seeds (come out of dormancy)? moisture temperature light Some seeds need complete darkness to germinate and in some cases even fire
Station 5 Write information for Seed Germination and draw the picture
Station 5: Seed Germination Seed germination: the process whereby seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow This is when the seed swells up with water and begins to grow.
Station 6 CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have recorded all the important information You will now have time to complete a lima bean lab Come see the teacher for supplies and directions
FUN FACT Did you know that pinecones can only release seeds from being dormant when they are LIT on FIRE!
Lima Bean Lab
Before dissecting your lima bean, answer these questions in your notebook using complete sentences: 1. What does the dry seed look like? 2. How big is the dry seed? Trace the seed in your notebook. 3. How is the wet seed different from a dry seed?
How to dissect your lima bean: Pull off the seed coat
How to dissect your lima bean: Split the lima bean in 2 (pull away from the indentation)
What does the split seed look like on the inside? Explain what you see inside. Why do you think the bean is SO much bigger than the tiny structure you see inside? Answer these questions in your notebook. Use complete sentences!