11 EENG 3810 Chapter 4 Amplitude Modulation (AM)
22 Chapter 4 Homework 1. For an AM DSBFC modulator with a carrier frequency f c = 200KHz and a maximum modulating signal frequency f m(max) = 10 KHz, determine : a. Frequency limits for the upper and lower sidebands. b. Bandwidth. b. Upper and lower side frequencies produced when the modulating signal is a single-frequency 6 KHz tone.
33 Homework Continued 2. For the AM wave form above determine:
44 Homework Continued 3.
55 Homework Continued 4.Repeat steps (a) through (d) in Example 4 in these lecture slides for a modulation coefficient of For an AM DSBFC wave with a peak unmodulated carrier voltage V c = 20 V p, a load resistance R L = 20 , and a modulation coefficient m = 0.8, determine the power of the modulated wave
Homework Continued 6.Determine the noise improvement for a receiver with an RF bandwidth equal to 100 KHz and an IF bandwidth equal to 20 KHz. 6
7 Amplitude Modulation Transmission 7
88 AM Generation
99 Frequency Spectrum of An AM Double Sideband Full Carrier (DSBFC) Wave
10 Example 1 For an AM DSBFC modulator with a carrier frequency f c = 100KHz and a maximum modulating signal frequency f m(max) = 5 KHz, determine : a. Frequency limits for the upper and lower sidebands. b. Bandwidth. c. Upper and lower side frequencies produced when the modulating signal is a single-frequency 3 KHz tone.
11 Example 1 Solution a. b. c.
12 Example 1 d. The Output Spectrum For An AM DSBFC Wave
13 Phasor addition in an AM DSBFC envelope For a single-frequency modulating signal, am AM envelop is produced from the vector addition of the carrier and upper and lower side frequencies. Phasors of the carrier, The upper and lower frequencies combine and produce a resultant component that combines with the carrier component. Phasors for the carrier, upper and lower frequencies all rotate in the counterclockwise direction. The upper sideband frequency rotates faster than the carrier. ( usf > c ) The lower sideband frequency rotes slower than the carrier. ( usf < c )
14 Phasor addition in an AM DSBFC envelope
15 Modulation Coefficient
16 If the modulating signal is pure, single frequency sine wave and the modulation process is symmetrical, the % modulation can be derived as follows:
17 Peak Amplitudes of Upper and Lower Sidebands The peak change in amplitude of the output wave (E m ) is equal to the sum of the voltages from the upper and lower sideband frequencies. Therefore,
18 Percent Modulation of An AM DSBFC Envelope ( a) modulating signal; (b) unmodulated carrier; (c) 50% modulated wave; (d) 100% modulated wave
19 Example 2 For the AM wave form above determine:
20 Example 2
21 Voltage Spectrum for an AM DSBFC Wave
22 Generation of an AM DSBFC Envelope Shown in The Time Domain sin(2 25t) –½ cos(2 30t) + ½ cos(2 20t) summation of (a), (b), and (c)
23 Voltage of an AM DSBFC Envelope In The Time Domain
24 Example 3
25 Example 3 Continued
26 Output Spectrum for Example 3
27 AM envelope for Example 3
28 Power for Upper and Lower Sideband
29 Total Power for an AM DSBFC Envelop
30 Power Spectrum for an AM DSBFC Wave with a Single-frequency Modulating Signal
31 Example 4
32 Power Spectrum for Example 4
33 Single Transistor, Emitter Modulator
34 Single Transistor, Emitter Modulator (output waveforms )
35 Medium-power Transistor AM DSBFC Modulator 35
36 High-power AM DSBFC Transistor Modulator 36
37 Linear Integrated-circuit AM Modulator 37
38 Block Diagram of a Low-level AM DSBFC Transmitter 38
39 Block Diagram of a High-level AM DSBFC Transmitter 39
40 Single-Sideband
41 Conventional DSFC-AM
42 Single-side Band Full Carrier (SSBFC) The carrier is transmitted at full power and only one sideband is transmitted.
43 SSBFC waveform, 100% modulation
44 Single-Sideband Suppressed Carrier (SSBSC) The carrier is suppressed 100% and one sideband is removed. Only one sideband is transmitted.
45 SSBSC waveform
46 Single-Sideband Reduced Carrier (SSBRC) One sideband is removed and the carrier voltage is reduced to 10% of its un-modulated amplitude.
47 Independent Sideband (ISB) A single carrier is independently modulated by two different modulating signals.
48 ISB waveform
49 Vestigial Sideband (VSB) The carrier and one complete sideband are transmitted, but only part of the other sideband is transmitted.
51 Single-Sideband Generation
52 Balanced modulator waveforms
53 FET Balanced Modulator
54 AM DSBSC modulator using the LM1496/1596 linear integrated circuit
55 Amplitude Modulation Reception 55
56 Simplified Block Diagram of an AM Receiver 56
57 Simplified Block Diagram of an AM Receiver Receiver front end = RF section –Detecting the signal –Band-limiting the signal –Amplifying the Band-limited signa l Mixer/converter –Down converts the RF signal to an IF signal Intermediate frequency (IF) signal –Amplification –Selectivity Ability of a receiver to accept assigned frequency Ability of a receiver to reject other frequencies AM detector demodulates the IF signal to the original signal Audio section amplifies the recovered signal. 57
58 Noncoherent Tuned Radio Frequency Receiver Block Diagram 58
59 AM Superheterodyne Receiver Block Diagram 59
60 Bandwidth Improvement (BI) Noise reduction ratio BI = B RF / B IF Noise figure improvement NF IMP = 10 log BI Determine the noise improvement for a receiver with an RF bandwidth equal to 200 KHz and an IF bandwidth equal to 10 KHz. –BI = 200 KHz / 10 KHZ = 20 –NF Imp = 10 log 20 = 13 dB 60
61 Sensitivity Sensitivity: minimum RF signal level that the receiver can detect at the RF input. AM broadcast receivers –10 dB signal to noise ratio –½ watt (27 dBm) of power at the audio output –50 uV Sensitivity Microwave receivers –40 dB signal to noise ratio –5 mw (7 dBm) of power at the output Aa 61
62 Dynamic Range –Difference in dB between the minimum input level and the level that will over drive the receiver (produce distortion). –Input power range that the receiver is useful. –100 dB is about the highest posible. Low Dynamic Range –Causes desensitizing of the RF amplifiers – Results in sever inter-modulation distortion of weaker signals 62
63 Fidelity Ability to produce an exact replica of the original signal. Forms of distortion –Amplitude Results from non-uniform gain in amplifiers and filters. Output signal differs from the original signal –Frequency: frequencies are in the output that were not in the orginal signal –Phase Not important for voice transmission Devastating for digital transmission 63
64 SSBRC Receiver
65 SSBFC Receiver