Future Tenses
I. Future Simple Tense - definitions/1 - Predictions, offers, promises, requests, suggestions: E.g.: Will you help me? E.g.: Shall I get you some coffee? ‘On –the-spot’ decisions: E.g.: A: Your clothes are dirty B: Are they? I will wash them.
Future Simple Tense - definitions/2 - When it is not certain whether something will happen: E.g.: If they come, I’ll buy s bottle of wine. Opinions, hopes, fears with think, expect, suppose: E.g.: I think he’ll pass his test.
Future Simple Tense - positive - I (SHALL) You He/She/It + WILL + verb1 We (SHALL) They E.g.: They will be at the party tomorrow.
Future Simple Tense - question forms - You He/She/It WILL + We + V1? They
Future Simple Tense - negative - I (SHALL) You He/She/It + WILL NOT + verb1 We (SHALL) They !! Will not = won’t Shall not = shan’t !!
II. Future Continuous Tense - definitions - action in progress at a given point in future: E.g.: I will be flying to Paris this time tomorrow. Logical assumption about the present: E.g.: He will be sleeping now. (it’s midnight)
‘Going to’ Future - definitions/1- Intention: E.g.: She is going to take her driving test in a month. Planned actions: E.g.: I am going to travel to Paris next week.
‘Going to’ Future - definitions/2- When there is a certain evidence that something will definitely happen: E.g.: She is going to have a baby. Actions seen as a result of something else in the future: E.g.: He cannot light a fire. He is going to burn himself.
‘Going to’ Future - positive - I AM You ARE He/She/It IS We ARE + GOING TO + V1 You ARE They ARE E.g.: I am going to visit him next week.
‘Going to’ Future - question forms - AM I ARE You IS He/she/it ARE We + GOING TO + V1 ARE You IS He/she/It E.g.: Are you going to travel next month?
‘Going to’ Future - negative - I AM You ARE He/She/It IS We ARE + NOT + GOING TO + V1 You ARE They ARE E.g.: I am not going to visit him next week.