BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2]: American/British theorists.


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Presentation transcript:

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2]: American/British theorists

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Joseph JURAN Quality just not just happen but has to be planned Trilogy of –Quality Planning –Quality Control –Quality Improvement

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Joseph JURAN Quality PLANNING consists of: Identifying customers and their needs Establishing optimum quality goals Creating measurements of quality Plan to meet quality goals under operating conditions Produce continuing results

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Joseph JURAN Emphasises the importance of internal as well as external customers Concept of ‘fitness for use’ to be applied to the interim product for all internal customers Actions should consist of – 90% substance, –10% exhortation (not the reverse)

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Dr Kaoru Ishikawa is best known for: Cause and effect (Fishbone) statistical techniques

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Dr Kaoru Ishikawa is best known for: Cause and effect (Fishbone) statistical techniques Company wide quality Quality circles

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Philip CROSBY Quality is defined as conformance to requirements Traditional quality control represent failure Manufacturing companies spend 20% revenues doing things wrong so… –‘Do it Right First Time’ –‘Zero Defects’

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Philip CROSBY Without reservation senior management is entirely responsible for quality Goal should be to give all staff training and tools of quality improvement to apply the concepts of Prevention management Quality improvement has to be ongoing

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Philip CROSBY Characteristics of continuing success… 1.People do things right first time 2.Change is anticipated and used to advantage 3.Growth is consistent and profitable 4.New products and services appear when needed 5.Everyone is happy to work there

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Philip CROSBY Four absolutes of Quality Management 1.Quality is conformance to requirements 2.Create quality by prevention, not appraisal 3.Performance standard should be ‘Zero Defects’ 4.Measurement of quality is the price of non- conformance Hence ‘QUALITY IS FREE’

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Tom PETERS MBWA (Management by Wandering About) in which –Listening (suggests caring) –Teaching (values must be transmitted when fact to face) –Facilitating (on the spot advice) Leadership not Management

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Tom PETERS More recently, five themes are… 1.Customers 2.Innovation 3.People 4.Leadership 5.Systems

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Tom PETERS 12 attributes of successful American companies.. 1.Management obsession with quality 2.Passionate systems 3.Measurement of quality 4.Quality is rewarded 5.Everyone is trained for quality 6.Multi-function teams

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Tom PETERS 12 attributes of successful American companies.. 7.Small is beautiful 8.Create endless ‘Hawthorne effects’ 9.Parallel a route to management through quality 10.Everyone is involved 11.When quality goes up, costs go down 12.Quality improvement is a never-ending journey

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Evaluation… The new messiahs preaching… A plethora of initiatives Ultimately exploitative No easy nostrums for success as market conditions may vary Latest brand of ‘snake oil’

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Criticisms … TQM is a passing fad Only 20% of Fortune 500 companies are satisfied with TQM initiatives Malcom Baldridge Award never gained any prestige 73% of electronics companies have quality programs, but more than half show less than 10% improvement.

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Evaluation of the Gurus… What remains of enduring value ? Are they culturally specific ? Were their writings designed to meet particular problems in a historical time scale How applicable are concepts to service industries such as education, health, social services ? Who IS the customer ?

BS2914 Quality Management & Customer Care 4: TQM Gurus [2] Interesting website (with a lot of materials on it)