INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES In order for us to activate prior knowledge and assess your level of understanding of today’s topic of Constructivism – Please form a HUMAN BAR GRAPH to represent where you fall
TODAY’S OBJECTIVES: The What: Teachers will explain the 3 principles of Constructivist Learning Theory. Teachers will observe and employ instructional strategies that reflect constructivist learning. Teachers will relate to how constructivism relates to their teaching. Teachers will engage in discussions of ways to assure constructivist techniques are employed in their classroom.
The Why: Constructivism is an underpinning of the NYSUT rubric. Use of constructivist theory in the classroom leads to more effective, engaging instruction that is student centered. Use of constructivist theory in the classroom leads to more secure learning and deeper understanding of material.
The How: We will know you have learned the theory of constructivism through formative assessments – Fist to 5 Human Bar Graph Visual Web Exit ticket Questioning
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES/TECHNIQUES TO BE MODELED: Human Bar Graph Catch and Release Chunk and Chew Thumb o Meter Glass, Bugs, Mud
ANTICIPATORY SET: (Imagine having to learn a brand new perhaps foreign skill) For example- I want you to take these needles and knit this sweater! I want you to take this ball and put it in a 2 in cup using a stick I want you to create an avatar from scratch. I want you to create a presentation on Prezi.
How would you go about learning this new skill?
REALLY QUITE SIMPLE… Says you never really learn anything absolutely from scratch When you have a new idea you see how it relates to something you have already got in your brain.
You construct bigger and bigger framework
SUCCESSFUL LEARNERS ARE.. The learners who start out with a pool of ideas that they really understand
WHEN THEY COME TO A NEW IDEA.. They embed that into the old idea…. And the learning goes on and on from there
AS A TEACHER… What is important for you to do in order to facilitate the learning of new material? What behaviors must you employ as a teacher? Think… Tell your table Share
THUS THE IMPORTANCE Building connections Making learning relevant Activating prior knowledge
3 PRINCIPLES OF CONSTRUCTIVIST LEARNING A learner’s readiness to learn Learning spirals Learning goes beyond the information being given
#1 -READINESS Learner has to have background knowledge on a subject Teacher must cultivate a readiness and willingness to learn Think of examples of how you do this in your classroom. Share with an elbow buddy
SPIRAL ORGANIZATION Allows learner to always have previous knowledge on a topic Learner learns things in steps therefore Needs an organizational system Allows them to learn topics at different levels How as a teacher do you determine prior knowledge of learners? What are some techniques? Table tags – human chain- learning line ups
GOING BEYOND INFORMATION GIVEN Learning needs to have room for further exploration Must help the learner to gain a deeper and/or more clear understanding of a topic As well as giving them the ability to gain more information of the topic
Create a visual web of 3 principles of Constructivist Learning. Complete an exit ticket telling what you learned and what you will be sure to add to your classroom based upon constructivism.