KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 1 The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework: Ontology-Driven Knowledge Engineering for ITS Authoring Dimitrios Sklavakis and Ioannis Refanidis Department of Applied Informatics University of Macedonia Thessaloniki GREECE
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 2 Overview The MATHESIS Project Bottom-up approach The MATHESIS Algebra Tutor, Ontology and Authoring Tools Tutor Representation in MATHESIS Ontology The OWL-S process model The Tutoring model The Program code model The Interface model The Authoring model The MATHESIS Authoring Tools Further Work Discussion
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 3 The MATHESIS Project Approach: Bottom – Up Ontological Engineering The MATHESIS Algebra Tutor Declarative and Procedural Knowledge hard-coded in HTML and JavaScript The MATHESIS Ontology: Declarative description of: User Interface and Student Model using OWL (declarative knowledge of the tutor) Domain (Math) and Tutoring Model of the tutor as well as Authoring Model using OWL-S (procedural knowledge) The MATHESIS Authoring Tools Guiding Tutor Authoring Through Searching in the Ontology and “Interpreting” the Authoring Model (OWL-S Processes) Domain Experts’ Knowledge: Domain + Tutoring + Assessing + Programming
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 4 MATHESIS Algebra Tutor Screenshot Help, Hint and Error Messages Area WebEq Input Control for the Algebraic Expression being Rewriten WebEq Input Control for Student Answers WebEq Input Control for Intermediate Results
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 5 The OWL-S Process Model: Ontological Representation of Procedural Knowledge Part of the OWL-S process model used by the MATHESIS ontology
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 6 The OWL-S Process Model: Visual Representation of a Composite Process’ Structure A composite process is a tree whose non-terminal nodes are control constructs Leaf nodes are invocations of other processes, composite or atomic (Perform constructs) In MATHESIS Ontology, procedural knowledge is represented as OWL-S processes, composite or atomic
Tutor Representation in MATHESIS KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 7 monomial_multiplication_tutor Domain_Task ITS_Implemented document_49 HTMLObject execute_monomial_multiplication monomial_1 monomial_2 monomial_3 Domain_Knowledge_Component execute_monomial_multiplication-Model_Tracing_Algorithm ITS_Teaching_Model ITS_Model_Tracing_Process hasDomainTaskhasTopInterfaceElement hasInputKnowledgeComponentshasOutputKnowledgeComponents hasTutoringModel instanceOf Isa
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 8 Representing the Tutoring Model: The Model-Tracing Process(KVL variation) Being procedural knowledge… …the model- tracing algorithm is represented as a composite porcess… …calling other composite processes for each tutoring task.
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 9 From Tutoring Processes to JavaScript code: monomial multiplication The Model-Tracing Process… …calls The problem presentation process which initializes the user interface Every JavaScript statement is an instanceOf isa Atomic Process JavaScript code is represented… …using a simple parsing grammar for JavaScript
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 10 Representation of the User Interface monomial_multiplication_tutor Document_49 hasFirstChild Html_51 Head_53 WebEq_Input_Control_1_id html-property-name=“id” html-property-value=“expressionInputControl” WebEq_Input_Control_2 hasTopInterfaceElement hasFirstChild Body_54 hasNextSibling hasFirstChild hasNextSibling Visual Representation of the Interface WebEq_Input_Control_1 WebEq_Input_Control_2_id html-property-name=“id” html-property-value=“answerInputControl” hasHTMLProperty
The MATHESIS Authoring Model (OntoMath) The Tutor’s ontological representation can be created: a) From expert authors, using the Protégé OWL interface b) From non expert authors, by executing Authoring Processes, created by expert authors. Authoring processes are OWL-S processes, composite or atomic (OntoMath statements), executed by the authoring tools: Composite authoring processes call other authoring processes, composite or atomic Atomic authoring processes are grounded to Java code which builds the tutor’s ontological representation through the Protégé API. KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 11
The Authoring Processes Ontology KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 12
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 13 Representing the Authoring Model: “Interpreting” the authoring processes For each tutoring task… There is a correspon- ding authoring process… …which can be further refined.
MATHESIS Authoring Tools Demo Tutor and Tutoring Processes Authoring Tools Execution of Authoring Processess KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 14
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 15 The MATHESIS Framework Further Work Extend, Refine, Formalise the Ontology Represent the Algebra Tutor in the Ontology Create Authoring Tools: Parsers HTML ↔ MATHESIS Interface model Parsers JavaScript ↔ JavaScriptStatements
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 16 The MATHESIS Framework Discussion The use of ontological representation has all known advantages (openness, collaboration, reusability) and disadvantages (multiple incompatible dialects) of ontologies New approach: ontological representation of procedural knowledge (rules) through OWL-S processes. Both authoring and authored knowledge share the same representation and lie in the same place Newly authored tutors become new knowledge to be used for the next ones Maximum knowledge reuse anticipated
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 17 Thank you! You May Find More About The MATHESIS Project at Interactive Event at 7pm
AIMSA2010, Sep 10th 2010 "Ontology-Based Authoring of Intelligent Math Tutors ", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 18 Representing the Authoring Model: The define_data_structures_for_knowledge_components authoring task process
AIMSA2010, Sep 10th 2010 "Ontology-Based Authoring of Intelligent Math Tutors ", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 19 Representing the Authoring Model: The Task_Execution_By_Expert authoring task process
KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 20 The MATHESIS Algebra Tutor Web-based User Interface: HTML + JavaScript Specialized math editing applets: WebEq by Design Science Declarative Knowledge: JavaScript variables and Objects Procedural Knowledge: JavaScript functions & statements Domain cognitive model Top-level skills (20) : algebraic operations (7), identities (5), factoring (8) Detailed cognitive task analysis gives a total of 104 cognitive (sub)skills Detailed hint and error messages for all of the above
Interface Representation …which defines corresponding HTMLObject(s). Every line of HTML code is represented as an HTML_ProgramLine… HTMLObject(s) are connected via their hasFirstChild and hasNextSibling properties to represent the DOM AIMSA2010, Sep 10th "Ontology-Based Authoring of Intelligent Math Tutors ", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis
AIMSA2010, Sep 10th 2010 "Ontology-Based Authoring of Intelligent Math Tutors ", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 22 The Low-Level Ontology: JavaScript Code Representation JavaScript code is represented as a special kind of atomic process, the JavaScriptStatement Every JavaScriptStatement has a corresponding JavaScript_ProgramLine … …which holds the actual JavaScript code
Representing the Authoring Model: Part of the Composite Authoring Processes Ontology KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 23
Representing the Authoring Model: Part of the Atomic Authoring Statements Ontology KES 2011, Sep 13th 2011 “The MATHESIS Semantic Authoring Framework", D.Sklavakis & I. Refanidis 24