Welcome! I’m the Mayor of this small town, Smallville and I need your help! HomeTask Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion MAYOR FOR THE DAY!
You and a partner are taking over my job as the mayor of Smallville for the day! So pretend you are in charge of this town! What are some laws that you think are important for this town and the people who live here? - Your all’s job is to make a poster that you can post in the town with the 8 laws you think are the most important. -I also would like for you all to pick either a police, firefighter, or nurse, and write a paragraph about what kinds of things their job entails and draw a picture of that worker in their common uniform. HomeTask Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion
Here are the important steps you will need to follow! 1.The first thing you will need to do is put yourself in my shoes, you are in charge of this town! 2.After you research about the importance of laws in a town, come up with 8 laws of your own that you think are most important for Smallville. 3.Create a poster that is colorful and decorative that you can display in the town with your 8 laws! 4.On a separate sheet of paper write a paragraph about the job of a police, nurse, or firefighter. Talk about the importance of their job and what they do at their job. 5.Then draw a picture of the worker you chose to research, in their uniform. 6.Then follow some of the links on the resources page to learn more about the jobs of police, nurses, firefighters, and the laws in towns. 7.Remember to use the internet to research and to get all of your information for this project in order to complete all of the steps. HomeTask Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion
Now you and your partner can click on these computer screens to take you all to additional websites to help you better understand the importance of laws in a town and the jobs of a police, nurse, and firefighter. HomeTask Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion *If you have any questions contact me at
How did you do? 10 pts. for each of these sections: 8 pts. for each of these sections: 6 pts. for each of these sections: 4 pts. for each of these sections: We created a very colorful poster to post in the town. And came up with 8 useful and relevant laws We created a poster but it’s not colorful and/or came up with less than 8 laws. We attempted to create a poster and there are less than 8 laws. We began a poster but it’s unfinished, not colorful, and there are not 8 laws. We described the job of a doctor, nurse, or firefighter with lots of detail and illustrated them. We described the job of one of the individuals with few details and illustrated them. We described the job of one of the individuals or illustrated the individual, but did not complete both tasks, We attempted to describe the job of an individual or illustrate them. HomeTask Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion
Thank you so much for taking over as Mayor for the day and coming up with some great laws for Smallville! Think about some of the laws in your own town, maybe they were similar to some of the ones you came up with for Smallville. After all, we must have laws to keep a town orderly and running! HomeTask Process Resources Evaluation Conclusion