CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 1 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Copernicus Space Component Data Access WGISS#39, Hosted by JAXA, May 2015 Mirko Albani, ESA
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 2 Copernicus dedicated missions Sentinel-1 (A/B) – SAR imaging All weather, day/night applications, interferometry Sentinel-2 (A/B) – Multi-spectral imaging Land applications: urban, forest, agriculture,… Continuity of Landsat, SPOT Sentinel-3 (A/B) – Ocean and global land monitoring Wide-swath ocean color, vegetation, sea/land surface temperature, altimetry Sentinel-4 (A/B) – Geostationary atmospheric Atmospheric composition monitoring, trans- boundary pollution Sentinel-5 precursor/ Sentinel-5 (A/B) – Low-orbit atmospheric Atmospheric composition monitoring Sentinel-6/Jason-CS (A/B) – Low inclination Altimetry Sea-level, wave height and marine wind speed S-1A launched 3 rd April 2014 S-2A TO BE launched 11 th June 2015
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 3 … a long-term operational perspective S-1 A/B/C/D S-1 A/B 2nd Generation S-2 A/B/C/D S-2 A/B 2nd Generation S-3 A/B/C/D S-3 A/B 2nd Generation S-4 A/B (on MTG) S-5 Precursor S-5 A/B/C (on MetOp-SG) S-6 A/B Access to Contributing Missions
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 4 Copernicus Data Policy free, full and open Users shall have free, full and open access to Copernicus dedicated Sentinel data and Copernicus service information The CSC Ground Segment architecture implements this policy, and includes an evolutionary approach to further enhance the data exploitation by the broad user community The CSC Ground Segment features dedicated data access infrastructure solutions, tailored to the needs of the various use typologies
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 5 Sentinel Data Access – A major undertaking Systematic processing and availability of the complete acquired data continuous stream of corresponding to a sustained generation rate (24h/7d) of a continuous stream of 500 Mb/s of user products 500 Mb/s of user products (Sentinel-1,-2,-3 A series) Distributed interconnected network of centres (improved redundancy) Local centre access capacity built on top of a powerful and scalable network Based on Big Data paradigm and use of innovative solutions Progressive inclusion of Research Support & Hosted Processing services Enhanced connectivity to international scientific network (e.g. GEANT) Federation of distributed data pick-up points to optimise proximity to end users Progressive inclusion of Federated User Management
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 6 The Copernicus Space Component Ground Segment data access is ensuring that all Sentinels products are accessible to all users online Access to Sentinel products is made available via dedicated data hubs User can self-register to the data hubs Up to the last 12 months of data is accessible via rolling archives Data download via terrestrial network (output rates up to 10 Gbps) In addition, access to full Sentinels long-term archive is being made available to all users online Sentinels Data Access Overview
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 7 Sentinel Data Access Hubs Online data access at:
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 8 Copernicus Services Hub - CDS
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 9 Data Warehouse phase 2: 2015 – 2016 The Copernicus Space Component Data Access (CSCDA) System provides since 2007 comprehensive and coordinated access to EO data products from multiple satellites to Copernicus space data users across Europe The key component of the CSCDA is the Coordinated Data Access System (CDS), ensuring Copernicus Contributing Missions (CCMs) Data Set dissemination Transition from Data Warehouse phase 1 to phase 2 on 1 st April 2015 Provision of data from fleet of CCMs ensured over next 6 years The CDS will continue to guarantee access to Contributing Missions and Sentinels to Copernicus Services with strict Quality of Service requirements
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 10 Data Warehouse phase 2: 2015 – 2016 The Copernicus Space Component Data Access (CSCDA) System provides since 2007 comprehensive and coordinated access to EO data products from multiple satellites to Copernicus space data users across Europe The key component of the CSCDA is the Coordinated Data Access System (CDS), ensuring Copernicus Contributing Missions (CCMs) Data Set dissemination Transition from Data Warehouse phase 1 to phase 2 on 1 st April 2015 Provision of data from fleet of CCMs ensured over next 6 years The CDS will continue to uarantee access to Contributing Missions and Sentinels to Copernicus Services with strict Quality of Service requirements Proceedings and presentations available online:
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 11 Open Data Access Hub – Status Simple self Registration Routine Data flow opened following IOCR in October 2015 Rolling Archive of at least last 2 months of data Currently all data produced is online APIs provided for automatic downloads via scripts Quota restriction of 2 concurrent downloads to ensure bandwidth availability for all users
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 12 CollGS Agreements Data Hub - Status Initial Data Centre infrastructure is in operations as of end January Seven accounts enabled, one per MS with CollGS agreements formalised No restrictions in simultaneous downloads ESA front-end software DHuS features Open Source Framework management Open source code will be available as of mid 2015
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 13 Common User Service Charter 13 19/03/2013 The CSC Ground Segment provides a set of main services to all users, independently from the selected access hub infrastructure User REGISTRATION and MANAGEMENT Management of user accounts DISCOVERY ServiceDataset and product search + visibility of planned acquisitions VIEW ServiceVisualization of browse image DOWNLOAD ServicesInteractive Download via web browser or the Download Manager. Systematic background download based on defined filters EMERGENCY ServiceOpening of an emergency “dossier” upon user call and management of data collection (tasking, selection from archive). Restricted to eligible users DATASET GENERATION Service Generation of geographical/temporal data collections according to pre-defined interest/application HELP DESK ServiceSupport and communications to users including dedicated Web Portal. Management of inquiries, feedback, and suggestions. RSS and HOSTED PROCESSING Services Research Support Service and Hosted Processing Service operations Provided according to specific governance criteria
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 14 Sentinel-1 User Statistics – open access By 30 April 2015: 6700 registered users ~ products available for download More than 800 thousand products downloaded by users, representing some 993 TB of data
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 15 Continent Registrations Number of Downloads: Reference period: First Quarter 2015 Africa Asia Europe North America South America Australia Antarctica340 The total mission production has been downloaded more than 6 times Statistics are based on users self registration provided information Europe and North America are hosting the most active user communities Sentinel-1 User Statistics – open access
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 16 The opening of the Sentinel-1 data flow to all users took place on 3 rd October. Data can be accessed from: The Sentinel-1A spacecraft is in a stable state, operating in Nominal Mission Mode (NMM), with all sub-systems working on prime units. The Flight Operations Segment (FOS) ensuring the monitoring, control and commanding of the satellite is operating nominally. Orbit control manoeuvres are performed once a week typically X-Band data acquisitions are routinely performed over Matera, Svalbard and Maspalomas X-band core stations. The acquired data are circulated within the PDGS, systematically processed to Level-0 and Level-1 products and archived at PACs (UK and Germany). Level-2 product operational qualification is on-going Sentinel-1A is contributing to the scientific analysis of the M7.8 Nepal earthquake that occurred on 25 April. Sentinel-1A Status
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 17 Nepal earthquake deformation
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 18
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 19 Nepal earthquake displacement Blue: vertical uplift of 1 m. Yellow: subsidence of ~80 cm Additionally, a horizontal north–south shift of up to 2 m was detected.
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 20
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 21 CSC Data Access – Continuous evolution The CSC data access is based on 3 main pillars Latest data availability from online rolling archives Access to long term data archive Reduce download needs – bring the users to the data The CSC data access is in continuous evolution To adapt to evolving user scenario and needs To introduce latest IT technologies To implement a continuous performance improvement process The CSC data access enhancements Are coordinated with the Commission via a change management process defined in the EU-ESA Copernicus Agreement Need to guarantee agreed performances measured via specific KPIs Shall not compromise the overall CSCDA reliability, performances and network security
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 22 CSC Data Access – Upcoming enhancements Short term CSC data access enhancements Gradual extension of access to the Sentinel long term data archive to all users as of mid 2015 Enhanced connectivity to GEANT network via dedicated 10 Gbps line Benchmark test for online access to African users in the context of GMES for Africa Mid term CSC data access enhancements Integration of Sentinels -2, -3, and Sentinel-5p Integration of hosted processing capabilities Long term CSC data access enhancements Roll-out of Research and Support services Federated User Management pilots
CSC Data Access | WGISS#39, May 2015 | Slide 23 Further Information on Copernicus and Sentinels at Copernicus Programme: Sentinel Online: CSC-DA: